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Everything posted by verrami

  1. verrami

    Help with wireless setup

    Hi, I had referred to these forums before in regard to help with setting up wireless in suse 10.2 linux on a Dell 2200 Inspiron with built in broadcom wireless card (bcmwl5 driver). I was able to connect earlier but not able to do so. I tried to reconfigure my wireless card by downloading ndiswrapper and going through the necessary steps. My driver is recognised, hardware is recognised and I am get something when I do iwconfig wlan0. I disconnect my eth connection but I am unable to go to any website using browsers. I tried to ping my router and it shows that packets were transferred. I also tried to ping another IP and it shows that packets were transferred successfully. I am not sure why I am unable to go to any website using my browsers. I would greatly appreciate if anybody can help me out. Thanks, Vish
  2. Hi, I installed the suse 10.0 and followed the steps to try and configure wireless: 1. installed ndiswrapper from cd 2. downloaded driver from net for my wireless card 3. did ndiswrapper -i <path to .inf> file 4. did ndiswrapper -l and got :"driver present, hardware present". 5. did ndiswrapper -m..first time got message like:"alias wlan0 something" but on reinstalling driver and doing this i get "alias directive already exists". 6. modprobe ndiswarapper 7. opened Yast...Hardware>network>network cards 8. clicked on add and deveice to wireless, configuration name module ndiswrapper ..used DHCP..managed, essid: any and no encryption The wireless is not working despite these steps..when I do iwconfig wlan0..it says interface wlan0 not present..i would really appreciate it if any of you could help me out..i am new to linux and am willing to learn.please HELP!
  3. @danleff..I got it to work! posting from linux right now. Thanks a lot for your time and advice.
  4. well, I tried through both Yast and iwconfig. Which would you recommend? When I used Yast2, It installed the card as "Ethernet Interface Card". I do not need to use a username, pwd to login. Initially I got the output on the top when I did iwconfig but after that I did ifconfig then I got the output you pasted below. I think I'm close to getting it configured. Does kwifi help after the system recognises wlan0? Thanks.
  5. Made some progress. I reinstalled the new version of ndiswrapper and went through the steps. Now when I do iwconfig wlan0 is atleast showing up in the list along with details. I set the essid and the network is open so no need for encryption. I did iwconfig wlan0 up and dhcpcd wlan0 but I am still not able to connect to the net.
  6. I think im using an older version of ndiswrapper because on reading the troubleshooting guide, it mentioned an error called loadndiswrapper failed is due to an older version and i got that error when i did dmesg.....the cd has:ndiswrapper-1.2.2.i586..i downloaded ndiswrapper-1.10..im assuming thats the recent most one.
  7. 1. Use the ndiswrapper package that came with SuSE pre-installed, or the source package? I am using the ndiswrapper package that came with SuSE (in CD1) 2.Did you look and see if ndiswrapper was really loaded, via the lsmod command that I told you about? ndiswrapper is really loaded. I checked using lsmod and it was top of the list. 3.Do you know the essid name set in the router? I am using the SSID information I get in my windows system. Is it the same as the essid? 4.Is you internet connection DSL, or Broadband? If the latter, does you ISP assign it's IP address dynamically, or statically? Its DSL and uses DHCP to assign dynamic IP's. I did dmesg|grep ndiswrapper and got messages like: ndiswrapper 1.2.2 loaded ndiswrapper unable to load driver 'bcmwl5'. Thanks for replying! I'm learning a lot but I just wish I could get the wireless to work.
  8. I reinstalled linux and went through the steps..it says that alias wlan0 added to modprobe.d but the problem is that when i do iwconfig, wlan0 does not show up..eth0, l0 show up...i dont know what im doing wrong..
  9. Originally posted by danleff: Quote: zenarcher, nice article! verrami ; You should have receied a more detailed message when checking ndiswrapper -l Did the message say something like; Installed ndis drivers: bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present One thing that most instructions don't always clearly say, is that you need both the .inf file and .sys file to install the drivers properly. Did you have both these files available in a common directory when you did the ndiswrapper -i command? Look in Yast and make sure that the Wireless-tools package is installed. I did receive a detailed message when I did ndiswrapper -l. I got this message: bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present Am I supposed to get a message after doing modprobe ndiswrapper? I had both the .sys and .inf file in the same directory. I did vi modprobe.conf (after doing modprobe ndiswrapper) and could not find ndiswrapper any where in the file. Please help!
  10. @zenarcher: Thanks! but I already used that guide to no avail:( @danleff: Thanks for replying. To answer your queries: Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card, BCM4318 chipset. I downloaded the driver from the ndiswrapper driver website..the one with the list of drivers.(bcmwl5.inf) I do not have encryption on the router. The thing is that i uninstalled my driver using ndiswrapper -e and reinstalled it using ndiswrapper -i. It shows up as "driver present. hardware present". I do modprobe ndiswrapper and i did not get any message. When i did ndiswrapper -m the second time, i got the message saying "alias directive present". The first time I got the message saying alias wlan0 something something. Is the essid the same as ssid in windows? when i do iwconfig, i get an output saying interface wlan0 does not exist (something to that effect). I'm not too sure if yast has an open option. Please help me out..Thanks a lot!