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About TheBlueBomber17

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  1. TheBlueBomber17

    Need Help ABout My ATI Radeon 9200...

    Thanks....I guess im just gonna have to buy a new motherboard and new AMD Processor this computer is way out dated and i've pushed it as far as it could go anyways...thanks again for your help.
  2. TheBlueBomber17

    Need Help ABout My ATI Radeon 9200...

    Im looking for updated bios for my motherboard but having trouble finding some...I need help...
  3. TheBlueBomber17

    Need Help ABout My ATI Radeon 9200...

    Ehhh i can't find updated stuff for my Motherboard and its a Cornerstone FIC SD11 Slot A ATX Motherboard (OEM ASPEN 2 VERSION)its rather old....Im runnin a 700 mhz Amd Thunderbird...It was made for this motherboard... but i can't find anything on it that would help me...I need help if you you could help or someone...Please...Thank you.
  4. TheBlueBomber17

    Need Help ABout My ATI Radeon 9200...

    WHen i try to install my drivers For my ATI Radeon 9200 it tells me to restart so i do...But yet My Computer Locks up and stops responding at The Start up screen Os: Xp Pro Service pack 2 my computer is rather old and out dated but i only play unreal on it but i was givin this video card from my g/f It works in hers but not in mine got any suggestions? What was in my Computer before this one was a Ati Rage fury 128 32mb thanks again...