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Losing the will to live

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About Losing the will to live

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  1. Losing the will to live


    Hi there, I'm hoping you fine, upstanding people can help me out here. I'm was running an old(ish) machine on Windows ME although I added a ton of RAM and it was fine for what I was using it for (a home recording studio) and I was very happy. Then I tried installing a game and it all went horribly wrong. The computer will ONLY start in safe mode (or gives me the dreaded blue screen of death). Once in safe mode, it fails to recognise either of my CD drives. It also, as i'm sure you're aware, fails to load the drivers I need to get things like SOUND! I have tried the troubleshooters suggestions of resetting the computer to an earlier time but when I try this it crashes. Scandisk shows no errors. I have tried removing windows but this causes the computer to crash. I have a recovery disk but it fails to boot on startup. Funnily enough, the floppy drive seems to work fine. Please, please, please help me or i'm afraid i'm going to have to resort to kicking the bloody thing about my kitchen with my steel toe capped boots. I'll visit this site as often as possible, although i'm actually having to post this in the local library as work has no 'net access and my machine refuses to cooperate. You can also email suggestions to d_r0berts0n@hotmail.com You are kind, kind people. Thanks Duncan Robertson