I was curious and wanted to learn to use Fedora Core 4 and now I'm not so sure. I have had problems from the beginning. I have my home built computer. AMD Duron 2400+ 1.6 GHz, 1GB RAM, 100 GB Western Digital Hard drive(Hda) and a 60GB WD Hard drive(Hdb). I have downloaded FC4 and it downloaded and installed with no problems. I downloaded with the FC4 to boot up first. I then edited (hda) to Windows and then selected automatic partiioning. I also left everthing else to either automatic or default. When my computer rebooted it came back up with a black screen with GNU GRUB version 0.95 (639K lower/1014720 upper memory) Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported and so on. Then grub> and blinking cursor. and nothing else. I have not been able to get anywhere. I tried cat /boot/grub/grub.conf and comes back ERROR 15: File Not Found. I have tried other vaious commands to try and see my partitions and unable to any kind of response. I can't get to my Windows or the FC4 that I just downloaded. Before this I had a GRUB 1.5 Booting... and nothing came up. Do I need to reinstall again or can someone help me. If nothing else at least get my Window (hda)back. I would perfer to have both, though. I knew I was a newbie but didn't expect this much trouble.