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Posts posted by Salvatori

  1. ^^ You most probably forgot to use the v1.2 patch, because one of the bugs the patch fixes is the pink/blue horror bug, and without installing the patch the game will crash a lot when these enemies appear. I have also finished playing through the full campaign and can confirm that there are no additional problems if running under Windows 98 OS on Virtual PC. There is just a slight glitch whereby reinforcements sometimes come along which is not supposed to happen - and after mission 13 (almost the last anyway), I would advise

    you not to lose any terminators, because even if you have the Crux Terminatus and replacement armour sometimes id wont let you replace 1 of them. That said I think this should ideally be run under Windows 95.


    And to the above poster - animation files aren't necessary to play the game (I think they are mainly for cutscenes), so try installing without them. And for Virtual PC - your actual RAM on your comp needs to be fairly high - at least 256 IMO, otherwise you will have diffculty running CG.


    Link to the patch (if fixes lots of other things too so I would definitely install it)


  2. Well I've managed to get it working save for a few minor problems. It was a nightmare - and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they are either computer literate or very patient - worth it though. I made a note of all the files that the XP disc failed to copy during setup, mostly .dll files, and copied the same files from my other comp which has XP Pro on. I have also had to download loads of drivers, find files from all over the place - google, p2ps etc.


    Anyway there's still a few things to do - i'm using Firefox - IE gave me major headaches, still is, a lot of the times when i click on links a blank box comes up. i even copied over the ie.inf file and installed it from that but it is still way too unstable. Also - my settings wont save, so i change my theme, background etc, and when windows starts up again it just goes back to default windows look. And for some reason I cant access computer management in administrative tools, it comes up but then i cant click anything inside it. But the main thing is i cant get wireless on - it was a mission last time and i had to ring a helpline - so this time i'm hoping i cant get help online and not run up a bill.


    I dont have a floppy unfortunately.

  3. Hi all, I recently tried to install Windows XP Pro on my Packard Bell Easynote laptop. Thing is i'm in a bind now because the laptop didn't come with a recovery cd and I formatted the hard drive. Windows XP Pro wont install properly keeps saying "cannot copy file". The files are on there tho i checked on my other comp. I tried cleaning it and using another copy but it doesnt work. So i now have a laptop with no OS - and i dont know how to get it back to factory setting. Can someone please help?

  4. It's great how this thread is still alive after all these years - I even saved it because it is virtually the ONLY website on the internet that talks about how to get this game to run under XP. Well back then I tried many of the solutions offered in the thread but to no avail. One worked to begin with but when a Cultist fired his laspistol on an industrial level it always seemed to crash.


    Eventually I got fed up and sold it, but recently I wanted to play it again, so I came back to these forums to see if I could get it to work this time. So I have come on here to say this - people - if you really want to play this game on XP then Virtual PC is the way to go. I'm not saying don't try other methods - but Virtual PC will run this game without crashing, and without problems.


    And that's basically it - go here if you want instructions to on how to install Virtual PC:




    Then just install CG on the virtual system and BINGO! you can kick some Chaos butt!!
