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Everything posted by nitin02

  1. nitin02

    playing audio/video files in fc5

    ill keep my future reply in this thread only... i hv PCI soundcard and it was detected during the installation. also the sound is not muted how can i check if there is sum configuration problem
  2. nitin02

    SUSE 10.1 Experience

    there is no sound on my suse 10.1 are GURU and PACKMAN updates the required drivers for the sound
  3. nitin02

    playing audio/video files in fc5

    i hv a dual boot win 2000 and suse there is no sound on linux..... basically i m looking for the audio drivers. thanx
  4. nitin02

    playing audio/video files in fc5

    not able to play audio files on suse 10.1 plz help... tell me abt suitable drivers needed and where can i get them