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Everything posted by 1Love

  1. Hey, I write alot of remixes to songs and I record them and post them on music myspace,however I had a problem with a computer and I had to reboot the whole thing to scratch.When It was done being rebooted I went online and I noticed I couldn't hear any sounds at all.I chat using AIM and I notice instead of hearing a specific sound all I hear was a "beep" from the computer each time a message was sent and recieved.I thought nothing of it so I downloaded Sony ACID(program I use to record) and I noticed nothing I said was recorded into ACID.Later that day I tried playing music on Windows Media Player and it said something was wrong with my sound device or that my soundcard is broken.What is a soundcard and how do I repair it.Any help is greatly appreciated
  2. 1Love

    Broken Soundcard.....help greatly appreciated

    Theres one problem.I lost the orginal CD that came with my computer like 2 years ago.My dad went out and bought one of those Windows XP CDs and used to it reboot it.Could this be the problem? I will try to find out the info you requested.Thanks