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About cssutto

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  1. cssutto

    poff/pon Kyocera PC Modem

    After a poff command, a pon causes a hang. Instead of a connect, I get garbage. Obviously this has something to do with the modem still having commands or whatever from the previous session. What would be the proper ATZ to clear the modem at the beginning of the pon anc where would it be best to enter the command? In pppconfig? Pr at the start of pon? CSSJR
  2. cssutto

    Evolution and Spam Again

    Ihave the ant-spam filters working in Evolution to my complete satisfaction. I get no false positives and I miss fewer than one a week out of 150 or so spams a day. I would like to filter spam so that it is deleted immediately rather than sent to a junk mailbox. Evolution will not let me do that in the regular menus. I know how to do it but I don't know how to write script. In the pipe box, if it were sent to a script, the script could zap the spam. Does anyone know how to do this? CSSJR
  3. cssutto

    Kyocera PC Modem

    Thank you. That was really sloppy of me. I went down the /etc file list too fast for my own good and stopped too soon. Got it now. Thanks again. CSSJR
  4. cssutto

    Kyocera PC Modem

    Thank you. I do not have the same file structure mentioned in the article. I have a file sl-modem-daemon.modutils in the /module folder, which I suppose is the correct file to append to. Thanks again. CSSJR
  5. cssutto

    Kyocera PC Modem

    I finally have this modem working. However, to do so, I had to enter the command sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da The biggest problem now is that everytime I reboot, which is often with a laptop on the move, pon tells me that there is an unknown dev/ttyUSB0. So I have to enter the command sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da Every time that I boot. Why is this not sticking? How do I get it to stick? What seems to be a minor problem is that the above command line should have a maxSize option. Apparently the maxSize command is not longer available in Dapper. Or has it been replaced by something else? CSSJR
  6. cssutto

    Alltel KYOCERA Data Card

    My Bell South service is so bad that I bought an Alltel KYOCERA card so as to go wireless. I have it set up in W2K and it works great. Does anyone know how to set it up for Ubuntu Dapper? I want to get away from MS totally. CSSJR
  7. cssutto

    Return Receipt in Evolution

    Thank you, but that is what I am trying to avoid. That must be done every single time you send a message. Since 90% or so of my messages should have a return receipt, and since I forget 90% of the time, it is not convenient. I want to set up Evolution so every message is sent automatically with a return receipt request. CSSJR
  8. cssutto

    Font When Composing Email in Evolution

    I found it under administration, fonts. CSSJR
  9. cssutto

    Return Receipt in Evolution

    I would also like to set Evolution so that all messages are sent with return receipt. I send a lot of emails to business associates, customers and lawyers and it is very important to know that they were received. How many times I have sent an email and immediately after hitting send, realized that I forgot to insert the return receipt request. I posted on this once on another newsgroup and got a lecture on the value of return receipts. I don't need a disertation on the value of return receipts. I have enough experience in this area from W2K days that I know what it does for me. Any help will be appreciated. CSSJR
  10. I want to set the font to a large font when composing email. At least a 12. But I do not want to send it in HTML I know how to set font size in received emails. It is pretty hard to check gammar and spelling when the font is like something on the back of a used car finance sales contract. How? CSSJR
  11. cssutto

    Evolution and Spam

    Sorry. I forgot to say that I am running Ubuntu Dapper. CSSJR
  12. cssutto

    Evolution and Spam

    I finally have Evolution set up with bogofilter and spamassassin so that I get no false positives and very few misses. 150 to 200 spams a day with no false positives for 3 weeks or more and only 5 misses. So I would like to filter positives straight to trash or better yet delete so I don't hear the "beep" for junk. I set up according to the instructions in http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99603 Edit filters will let me select "delete", but it does not delete. Everything bogo goes to the junk folder and everything spamassassin finds goes to junk/spam folder. Is there a way to delete this mail? I know that with the Ctrl-a delete keys it is quick and easy to dispose of it, but I want to zap it before that so it is not ever on my machine. CSSJR