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Posts posted by SkippyTheNurse

  1. Hey there everybody. I am still kinda new in this linux business. I am getting around the terminal (fast than I expected) but I am stuck on this one little issue. I installed MPlayer so far without a hitch. But when I try to play this .ogm video, the top of my screen is black and all fuzzy lines wiggling up and down with the audio playing. Obviously the audio is still intact and playing properly. But the video is really messed up.

    Here's the command that I am typing:


    "Jubei~#: mplayer Hellsing-TheUndead"


    Sorry my information may seem kinda of vague but thats all I got and any help will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Thanks for the answer about OpenOffice, and yes and no on the latter question.


    I do work in an ER but as a tech, I am currently going to school to be either an ER nurse or ICU/CV Recovery nurse. I am even interested in becoming a traveling RN or just a flight nurse. What about you, what kind of RN are you?

  3. Hey there everybody. I have a really dumb question of OpenOffice. I need it because it can save all my projects an documents in office format so I can save on a flash drive and print at school. However, I am thinking about usuing Open Suse 10.1, and the question is this: Does OpenOffice come with OpenSuse or am I forced to get the Enterprise edition to get Open Office?


    I don't like RedHat and Suse is so far the only linux that I am familiar with, I am too afraid to try any other version.

  4. hate to say this, but that didn't work either. I did the modprobe thing, and this time I didn't the error message. However, I did notice something else too, when I am in Yast setting up the card, I tried it twice, and in both times, after I am done setting up, YaST labels my card as "Ethernet Network Card" instead of Wireless Network Card. I tried it two different ways, as PCMCIA checked off and with the box checked, both times I get the same thing. And then, when i am finished and try to connect, I do that ifstatus wlan0 command, and I get this:

    ERROR: Interface wlan0 in not available


    Well, at least we got the right ndiswrapper installed. We're getting there, one step at a time.

  5. Never mind about retrying the downloaded drivers. I went and did, the terminal said this...


    linux:~ # ndiswrapper -i home/skippythenurse/download/update/new_driver/80211g/bcmwl5.inf

    Installing bcmwl5

    couldn't copy home/skippythenurse/download/update/new_driver/80211g/bcmwl5.inf

    at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 144.




    The driver will still be installed, its just that it will be invalid. So I reverted back to the CD driver, I still get that modprobe message. Eh...Looks gloomy for my network card.

  6. I did the modprobe command, and yes, I did get an error message.

    This is the Message:

    "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.13-15.11-default/extra/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted


    what exactly does this mean? That my card isn't going to to work or that the ndiswrapper is working?


    And in answer about the placement of the drivers before installation, yes, they were both in the same directory. Should I download the drivers off the internet and try those?

  7. Well, I tried to foundout the chipset of my Belkin network card. I the xTerminal command, went down the whole list and didn't find the network card. I shows information about my Orinoco card, heck, it even displays information about my USB mouse, but no Belkin. I guess I will have to buy another one.

  8. "When you stated that you tried to set it up four different ways, what do you mean? Can you be more specific?"



    Well, first after I did that ndiswrapper, I went to the YaST to set up exactly the way it told me to do it. That didn't work. Then I tried to configure the network settings to neutral, thinking it was my network, and that didn't work. I proceded to change the card settings from wireless to ethernet, PCMCIA box checked and not checked, that also didn't work. All settings were followed by a reboot with the card attatched.


    "Often the drivers that come on the driver CD disk do not work. What specific Windows drivers did you use? The Windows XP drivers? "


    The Drivers were taken from the original CD, I initially used the drivers I had on my USB flash drive since every now and then I use my network card on other systems, but the drivers on my flash drive didn't work, so I went ahead and used the ones from the CD. There were from the WINXP2K folder, this is the name of the driver "BCMWL5.INF".


    As far as the chipset, I will not be able to determine that since I am at work. I will post my findings about that in the morning when I get home. Which is kinda funny, because I was debating with myself on whether or not I should bring my laptop to work should in case a light bulb turned as to how to fix the problem, darn!


    Thanks for the help, i know y'all have more important things to do than to bother about a network card.


  9. Just an update. I kept reading around and found out what all this mdiswrapper was about. I tried it. The drivers installed perfectly, but I set up my card about three or four different ways and restarted countless times and still no avail. Not even the power light on the card comes on.


    Again, any help is greatly appreciated.

  10. hello y'all. Of course, as with any person migrating from Widows, I am a noob. I tell you one thing, it was much much easier setting up my system with linux than it was with windows and I like all the options that it has that would usually require third-party applications with windows.


    But let me get straight to the point. I have a Toshiba Satellite A15-S157 running around with 512MB ram, Celeron M 2.2G processor, and a "stunning" 40GB HDD. All this maintained with SUSE Linux 10.0. I have two net cards, an old school Orinoco/Lucent Technologies "b" class, and a newer Belkin "g" class. I replaced the Orinoco with the Belkin as an upgrade when I had the Windows XP, but now my linux does even acknowledge it when i plug it nor when i manually set up with YaST. I even had it connected in the CardBus when i was installing the OS. It picked up my Orinoco with no problem, but I really want my "g" class network without having to buy another card that will work with my linux. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.


    Model: Belkin Wireless G NB Card M#FSD7010 V.4
