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About rjbaird2207

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  1. So I have a nice new HP Pavilion with an E6600 Duo Core, 2 250GB SATA drives and I have added an Ultra IDE 500GB drive as well (I have a separate PCI IDE Controller card installed as well). All I want (Ha Ha) is to be able to boot 2 versions of XP (both Pro) to have a day-to-day OS and a 'play' XP OS (to try out beta versions of stuff) and a third partition running Redhat Enterprise Workstation V4. The disk partition I'd like is to use the 250GB SATA drives (RAID 0) as a single 500GB drive for the day-to-day OS and then partition the 500GB IDE into two logical partitions - one 300GB for my 'play' XP OS and one 200GB for Linux. I also have a copy of Partition Magic V8 to handle the boot. Problem is I can't get past the install of the first day-to-day copy of XP. I can successfully go through an install of the second XP copy but as soon as I try and boot it I get a 'black screen' and nothing happens. I have tried multiple combinations from Partition Magic and Boot Magic. I have unhooked the SATA drives and then the XP CD won't boot up at all (it will start the load but freeze at a black screen). I don't seem to be able to chaneg the BIOD settings either. All of this is still to no success. I must be doing something dumb. Can somebody help me out there, can you point me to some idiot proof instructions? Thanks in advance.