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Everything posted by willdarbey

  1. willdarbey

    Halflife 1 on xp

    How can i play halflife 1 on windows XP
  2. I am stumped!!! I made a profile including the exe file and the install file and the mounting seem to work fine. However when i clicked to set up, it opened but then when i was asked what if i wanted min or max database it said i didn have enough space for either which was definately not write. I tried changing the folder where it was going to be saved to and it wouldn let me. Does anyone know what that means. Have i mounted the game wrong ??????
  3. willdarbey

    Halflife 1 on xp

    no i have the cd but i cant get it 2 run on Windows xp on my laptop!!!!
  4. willdarbey

    Running Jona Lomo Rugby with Dosbox

    Can anybody run me through how to use dosbox so that i can play jona lomo rugby which i have got on cd recently. I am currently using a front end program called d-fend to use it and when it loads up the set up and seems fine whenever i try and install the game to a directory it says it doesn exist and then shuts down. I am sure its the way i am mounting the disk coz i dont really understand what i am doing. Can anybody help me out either by telling me how to use this D-fend program correctly or by explaining how to use DosBox???? Please