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About Irony

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  1. Irony

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    It's not your comp...trust me its the CD-ROM...had to get over the integer divide by zero problem too...type start, then run, then search in all files and folders for SIERRA.INI get this file and delete it! Then uninstall what Antara is left...Reinstall and skip the systems test and ignore the results, and you should be ready to tackle the next problem I am having, which is the game will run for a while, but is interrupted by a white text window that says" Betrayal In Antara has encountered a problem and needs to shut down, an error report has been prepared, send to Microsoft yes or no?" at which point you can read the error report and its FAIRLY large, but what I have determined is there are at least two major problems which cause this... graphics and memory management, try changing some of your comp's settings in regards to both of those two, I actually got my version to play for over 6 hours, but it still ended up going to the "error report send" message.... I thought I had it....to accomplish my 6 hrs of red eyed bliss I turned my screen res to 800x600, 256 colors, windows to manage my memory, also went into memory and turned all my minimums and maximums to their respective "maximums", also I turned my screen savers completely off...this intereferes with memory mgmt. I guess ...and I even turned the desktop background off. Most of these tips I have managed to glean painfully from Sierra's website under forums.vugames.com....good luck, and I will continue to post until I have solved this prob with this game, or someone else posts EXACTLY what needs to be done to run this game error free....
  2. Irony

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    I found a copy of this Betrayal In Antara at a yard sale(CD-ROM version) the CD's were as good as new, but it has some severe problems running on WindowsXP....I have tried deleting the Sierra.ini file and skipping the system setup as instructed on Sierra's website...(go to forum.vugames.com for this info and "search" for Betrayal in Antara to get help some little help...lol) The game apparently has several problems with WindowsXP which include graphics,memory management, and god knows what else...I've just found a "Patch" called ver 1.10 or something that the website I found it on claims to "debug" problems....going to try it myself and will post results in a few days...