hmmmm I cant really give you any tech information about your problem. But i would not worry to much about the comp, and focus more on those pictures, if they are very very important too you i would not touch the comp again... you may have to wipe your comp and the only way i can think of to save those pics is to take it too a spe[censored]t and have them recover them. About you comp problem, I dont want to tell you anything to in detail cause i am not all that familiar with the inner workings of a comp, But i know recently i have seen more and more trjans are fakers, or they trick you into think there is somthing wrong with your comp... Like i got a malware that said i had a fatal system error, begining dump of pycical memory. Turns out it was just an anooying virus. Is there any icon or anything at all asking you to buy somthing or purches somthing to fix your issue. If you comp isnt working or booting up at all... Ummm i have no idea... But i know from experience that those picture can be priceless, and my mother had a very expensive Mac and it died on us, We were not able to save the pictures, the comp guy at the store said everything was gone... So... I would wait for more experianced people to post on your problem, I am just posting to maybe give you someinsite into the issue.
PS I have no idea what i am talking about so... dont tkae my advice LOL!