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Everything posted by jagged5

  1. jagged5

    Help with memory

    I have a pentium d 930 processor with two 512 ddr2-667 at 333mhz memory. Now what would be the best memory to get with the pentium d 930 and also can i mix my 333mhz memory with another different mhz memory. I want to upgrade my Ram without wasting my money and plus using it to its best effiency. I would greatly appreciate your respone... THx
  2. jagged5

    Help with memory

    i appreciate your asnwer and maybe i will send them but i got to save up for my next ram first.
  3. jagged5

    counterstrike source problems

    Alright im bout to ask alot i would appreciate any kind of answer.First one is when i try to log onto a server wit the newest zblock this comes up End loading faces (loads materials) Bad CRC for materials\concrete\concretefloor034a.vmt Bad CRC for materials\metal\metalwall032e.vmt Bad CRC for materials\props\woodcrate003a.vmt Bad CRC for materials\props\woodcrate003d.vmt Server is enforcing consistency for this file: materials\props\woodcrate003d.vmt I tried finding and deleting but i cant find them anywhere. And i need to get this fixed for CAL Next question is there anywhere i can go to get all of rcon commands for like restart round,give money,kick, etc... Last question, you know when u throw a grenade and it says something like FIRE IN THE HOLE is there anyway to get rid of that it is so fricking annoying. Plz/ Thx for lending time to read this.
  4. jagged5

    counterstrike source problems

    hey i really appreciate the help. I also found out the reason for the bad materials is cuz of the sv_ consistency is set to 1 but needs to be on zero in the server config. That really sux that its illegal to take that fire in the hole off.And as the commands go thankyou very much cuz i have a short memory. i even forget to write them down.
  5. jagged5


    My friend has an toshiba labtop just bought it. when it loads up it doesnt even get to desktop. it either freezes on startup screen or restarts itself ive tried starting in safe mode and all the other but it just keeps restart and i have no idea what it is. I need help or ideas of what it is
  6. jagged5


    yea u hear it for like a sec then it dies down and reboots or freezes.ill try the recovery disc on startup. thx for the info
  7. Ive been reviewing many file sharing programs.i just want one that has fast downloads wit movies. Different ones have top reviews which is annoying i dont know which one to buy.So far im thinking of getting Downloadstudio 3.0/if anyone could help i would really appreciate the info. Im in army and money is essential to me im just a priv