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About Scholar81

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  1. Yo, a geek here that needs help big time. My best friend recommended me to a cute friend for some computer help so she gave me the laptop. I jumped right into it but dang man all I got were grief!!! When I start up, the logon screen came up, etc, clicked, etc. then the background came up but there's no task bay, system tray, or any icons! I decided to boot up into Safe mode and it worked. Now I found out the window XP is SP1. my god, I had to update it to sp2 before I can do anything so I did that but right middle of that, it turned off then turned back on saying the installation were interrupted. Now I booted it up in normal mode, strangely enough it worked, everything were where it should have been. But after 2 minutes, I got BSOD saying IRQL_Not_Less_or_equal with 0x0000000a etc. I googled it on my other computer but every solution involves Desktop. It is Inspiron 8600 laptop. I will appreciate any help because I want to look good. In fact this is my first recommendation! What the hell should I do? Should I do a clean installation or what?