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Everything posted by lethe7977

  1. On our network, we have one domain specified called "A". However, when you go to "Entire Network" -> "Microsoft Windows Network" from any PC joined to the domain "A", there are 4 other mystery networks listed there. One of them is called "Workgroup", the others are names that may have been workgroups or file shares in the past. One of the mystery networks will display the computers joined to our domain when you double click on it. If you try to click on the other networks you get the message "(network name) is not accessible. You might not have permissions to access this network resource. Network Path not found." Where are these mystery networks coming from? How can we get rid of them? Thanks!
  2. lethe7977

    Mystery networks in "MS Windows Network"

    We have all XP Pro machines on our network. Some of those were upgraded from previous versions of windows, so I can see why the workgroup network would be out there. The techs that set up this network are no longer with the company, so we're finding all sorts of oddities and things set up incorrectly that we're struggling with. We have approximately 200 computers on the network. We use mostly cisco routers, and the switches vary but I think most are netgears. Our servers are a mix of Server 2000 and Server 2003. If there is a machine or several machines that were set up with these other networks before joining our current domain, how can I figure out which PCs are causing the problem and how can I "clean" up the misc. networks? Thanks, any insight is greatly appreciated!