I think it's about time to resurrect a nice, old thread... :>
Originally Posted By: ConQueso
Originally posted by dosfreak:
Try this: http://www.zeckensack.de/glide/
Should fix menu problems.
All, bow down to DosFreak and Zeckensack for bringing back Carmageddon 2. I had given up hope on it, when my Radeon 9600 wouldn't render textures properly using OpenGLide.
Now, C2 is easier then ever to get going. I can't speak for everyone, but this is All I had to do to get it going:
1) Install Carmageddon 2 (standard install, just click setup.exe then nexts but NO to QuickTime 3.0 and DirectX 6 installations)
2) Download and installed zeckensack's glide wrapper (see DosFreak Post)
3) Open Glide wrapper window.
4) Right click on "Carmageddon 2 Carpocalypse Now" shortcut under Start > Programs > Interplay > Carmageddon 2... and then click properties. Click Compatibility tab and then click the box by "Run this program in compatability mode for:" and select windows 95. Check "Run this program in 640x480 if you have problems with the game (though I didn't) Then click OK to close the box
5) Run Carmageddon 2 using the start shortcut you just edited. Use the Glide renderer, as it should detect and default to.
Peice of cake. The Menu even looks good, something I haven't seen for a while. Works with USB input devices, such as my Logitech Formula GP Steering wheel just fine.
Sound isn't perfect, but then, I think it might've always had issues.
No more hoping for a good driving game to impliment Fox and the Hounds multiplayer, one of my favorite multiplayer driving modes that I'm very dissatisfied other high budget games haven't implimented. If Bugbear does their homework, they'll use it in FlatOut, but I doubt it.
Looking back, this game was pretty well ahead of it's time. Good destruction, collision, and damage in network, and the beginnings of ragdoll physics in singleplayer.
Anyone interested in buying it for dirt cheap, now that it appears to be very compatible, need only look here:
Hmmm... This doesn't work for me. I just get either "Sorry not win NT compatible" or, if I use the apparently wonderful XP patch from sci, it just does the standard windows dance of "carma2_hw.exe has performed an illegal operation".
I'm thinking maybe my dual core processor is causing problems. Like in System Shock II, to run it on XP Dual core PC, I have to C+A+D and disable one of the cores for the ss2.exe process, else it crashes once I'm passed the menu. I've tried that for the launcher, but to no avail.
I've tried using unsafedisc 1.5.5 on carma2_sw and carma2_hw, then applying the XP patch, even tried the 1.2 patch for the core .exe's. No win.
I've tried every damn combination of compatibility modes between carma2_hw.exe and carma2.exe, can't seem to get anywhere that way. Either nothing happens, or "illegal operation" happens.
I've installed the Glide wrapper, tried using glide, hardware, hardware software RGB emulation, pure software emulation. I'm out of ideas there.
I've beat Carma 1 like 15 times, so I wouldn't mind having a crack at Carma 2 one of these days. If any kind soul could help, I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks guys.