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About NOSaintsFan02

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  1. NOSaintsFan02

    My laptop fell

    Thanks. I rebooted again this evening and it worked this time.
  2. NOSaintsFan02

    My laptop fell

    I got nothing.
  3. NOSaintsFan02

    My laptop fell

    Ok, I'll try it right now.
  4. NOSaintsFan02

    My laptop fell

    My laptop fell on my floor and though it wasn't a hard fall, it still seemed to be affecting my computer. First everything went well, but then when I decided to restart my computer it went blank on me and this message came up... Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe. Please reinstall a copy of the above file. I've searched Google for the problem and most solutions involve using your Windows XP CD to restore it. But I do not have an XP CD so is there any other solution? I am currently on my brother's laptop and I was thinking possibly of copying the C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe file off his to a blank CD and putting it in my comp in hopes of it reinstalling. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.