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Everything posted by geeandevil

  1. geeandevil

    Problem with Wireless causing Router Resets

    Eight months later and still no resetting issue! Just for kicks, I enabled UPnP on my SMC2804WBR router and immediately Vista caused my wireless to drop out. I have a Vista laptop, an old Win2K laptop, and 2 WinXP desktops and with UPnP enabled, the wireless router works fine as long as the Vista laptop is not connected. Had to turn UPnP off again on my router in order to post this message. So far, I haven't seen a solution from Microsoft that works. THIS DOES!
  2. geeandevil

    Problem with Wireless causing Router Resets

    I have an SMC2804WBR. In another forum I found a tip that has worked for me. I disabled uPnP on my router and have had no further reset issues. I used to have reset issues every few minutes whether my new Vista laptop was connected directly or wirelessly. It's been three days now and I haven't had it occur once. I hope this helps!