Hello guys. I just joined the forums due this discussion which is the best I have seen of any other site on the topic.
I am having the same problem on 3 out of 4 USB devices on my gateway laptop computer running windows XP.
The problem might have arose from either a 30gig iPod video, a 2.4ghz logitech wireless mouse, or one of three external hard drives. I am pretty sure it was the iPod, however.
I have read all 100 posts on this thred (or however many there really are) and I have tried all the fixed that would seem to work. Unplugging the power cord (and the battery), restacking the usb drivers, um yeah that's pretty much it (as far as I remember), but I tried those many many times with all sorts of different combinations. I am about to reformat and install windows vista which I need to upgrade to anyways. I am hoping that will solve the problem even though you guys have said it doesn't. I just have nothing else to try.
I really hope someone can find a solution to this frustrating problem.