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Everything posted by need_that_speed

  1. need_that_speed

    Need for Speed 2 SE and WIN XP - NFS2 SE

    Hi I'm trying to get NFS2 SE networked between two of my machines, which both are running XP. So far I got a working router and everything I've tried and checked hasn't helped me to get this working. So far I've successfully gotten 1 game to work... well two if you count a 3rd party software. I'm just hoping anyone may know how to get NFS2 SE to work, or at least suggest some options. I so want to get this game to run on a network before wednesday, some guys are coming over for a few days and I know this is one old game worth playing on a network. Later on I will fix up my older computers and hook them up too so then I'll be able to have more than two people playing on my network. Plus I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried running NFS2SE over Hamachi. If they have tried I'd like to join in once my high speed lines are built... Thanks, I will appriciate every bit of help anyone gives.