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About dadoane

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  1. dadoane

    11th hour: The sequel to the 7th guest

    Well! I FINALLY GOT it to work. The game was REALLY OLD and used MS DOS 5.0 and said that maybe Windows 95 might detect it. I bought it from Amazon.com . This is how I finally did it. I found a patch to was designed to run 11th hour at: http://dlh.net/cgi-bin/dlp.cgi?lang=eng&sys=pc&file=11hwin.zip&ref=ps. With the patch I ran the compatibly from Windows Vista and it worked. I am not sure I would have had to use the compatibly program , but I wasn't taking any chances.
  2. dadoane

    11th hour: The sequel to the 7th guest

    Well it didn't work with 11th hour. For some reason I can't install 11hour at all, BUT it did help with many of the other programs I have been trying to run. Any thoughts? The game doesn't Auto Play when I put the disk in, but I can copy all the files onto my computer? Is there a way around that? What should I look for?
  3. dadoane

    11th hour: The sequel to the 7th guest

    Thanks I will give it a try.
  4. dadoane

    11th hour: The sequel to the 7th guest

    My Vista is Vista Business.
  5. dadoane

    11th hour: The sequel to the 7th guest

    I am sorry, The copy of 11th hour I have is meant to be played in 95/98/NT operating system. I am hoping to play this game in my current Vista operating system. I was able to put the files on my computer, but I still can't play the game. Is there a patch for 11th hour so it can be played in Vista? I have tried to specfic, if it isn't enough please ask again.
  6. Hello I am new here and I would like to run the 11th hour on my computer. I am running Windows Vista, I just upgraded to it so I am just learning the ropes. Can someone help?