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About Ryoga

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  1. Ryoga

    HI I need help with Heavy Gear 2 setup (WEIRD)

    No help here....
  2. Ryoga

    HI I need help with Heavy Gear 2 setup (WEIRD)

    Any suggestion??? PLZ?
  3. Hi All: I donwload an Heavy Gear 2 Torrent (German Version) into my PC. When I try to install it the setup dont run, NO PROBLEM WINDOWS, NO ERROR CODES.... nothing...... ok I believe that this problem can caused by "Hkey-Control-Locate" windows version code. I have USA version 00000409 in default and I change it to german code 00000407 code, but nothing.... I try a lot of things but I cant find the answer.... Some one can help me? or give me other torrent? I really love this game... Thanks Ryoga