I'm having some "graphical trouble" with the pc version of "Resident Evil 2"...now i know its an old game but i was at my computer browsin through some websites and i came across some screenshots of the game and seeing how my desk is next to my window and its hella cloudy outside, it brought back memories, when i used to play it on my old "playstation", SO, i remembered that i had on pc too, so i dug it out of my closet and installed it,ran into troubles...the save and load thing...BUT i got it working, its just one problem now, the graphics (or the backround scenery ) looks like it has lines or glitches going through it...
I took some screenshots so you guys could understand what i mean..
Anybody know how to fix this...i got everything maxed out and i put it on "unknown card" for the game to run smoothly...any help??