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Everything posted by Hunter13

  1. Hunter13

    Magic the Gathering on XP

    Hello everyone, I downloaded the MagicTG pack from Underdogs a while back, and everything (seemed) to work fine. But when I'm playing a really long duel the game sort of freezes, usually when there are a lot of cards in play. It's the computers turn and it just keeps on "thinking" indefinitely. This happens sometimes when I play one of the wizards or a really strong creature, and it always happens when I play against the Evil Planeswalker at the end of the game (that dude has 400 lives so it takes a long time to take him down). So basically I have to let him win to finish the game, but I really want to beat him. Does anyone else have this problem as well? Or perhaps know how to solve it? I'm playing on a P4, 2.40GHz with 1GB of RAM - WindowsXP Pro SP2. I've installed the Manalink update 1.3.2 and I've already tried Oleg's fix. I hope someone can help.