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About Kiba_Apollo

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  1. Kiba_Apollo

    Installing Windows 98-SE Issues

    i tryed putting it on my pc on my old 40gb next to dvd drive IDE all the other drives are SATA and it installs but im going to take it off cause of the videocards and just use VPC2007 on the 40gb
  2. Kiba_Apollo

    Best firewall/antivirus/antispyware combo

    I use Avast i was using agv awile agou but it was crap sofare no viruses or spyware cause laptop is main and desktop is Ethernet 1gb to it and laptop is using a belkin 108mbps wifi both have firewalls router has one too Netgear 108mbps for the laptop,ps3 and XB360
  3. 62 mostly things like Anydvd VPC2007 on 2nd screen and converter for DIVX-PS3/XB360 ANd my pcs still starts u faster than my laptop wich had a fresh install of xp pro
  4. Kiba_Apollo

    Virtual PC 2007 on Windows 2000

    im having probs insalling windows 98se on it keeps saying theres no Hard disk lol i did make the VHD iso for it. i could be a bad install of VPC2007 i didnt have a probs with VPC2005. i do have alot of pc power for VPC2007 i should have no prob running it.