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About 3mmm

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  1. 3mmm

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    Originally Posted By: DosFreak Betrayal in Antara is a Windows 3.1/95 game. Windows 3.1x runs fine in DosBox. Betrayal in Antara running on Windows 3.1x runs fine in DosBox. Hmmm. When i trying run Antara in DosBox, i receive message 'This program cannot be run in DOS mode' in DosBox console. What i'm doing wrong?
  2. 3mmm

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    But Betrayal in Antara don't run in Dos and Dosbox either. Or i'm wrong?
  3. 3mmm

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    If you have error immediately after running the exe file, it means you have rather fast videocard. My cure - open Antarar.exe in any hex-editor, find F7 75 10 combination and change it to 90 90 90.