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About tomhughes

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  1. tomhughes

    need more help, ubuntu stopped recognizing drives

    yeah sorry i had one drive partitioned 4 ways, 2 for windows, one as a swap and the last for ubuntu. i did get an option to edit a partition but it only showed my whole 80 gig drive. as for file system i believe i used fat32? still wasn't getting anywhere this evening so ive just backed up all my data and taken the plunge full speed, forget windows! thanks anyway guys
  2. tomhughes

    need more help, ubuntu stopped recognizing drives

    all of the drives are formatted, none in the ntfs format either, i am trying to manually select the partition during the installation but it only seems to give the drive as a whole despite the fact that it is most definitely divided up and even the when running the live cd of ubuntu, i can see the different drives in "my computer"!
  3. thanks for the help last time, i am a tool, anyway now that i have the drive partitioned just right, for some reason, ubuntu isn't recognising the partitions, the installation part4/7 keeps showing just: /dev/sda where it used to show the different drives. but when im running the live cd it can still see all my windows files!! also when i run windows it has no problem seeing the other drives. What is the story here? anybody?
  4. tomhughes

    need help me idiot

    yep thats done the trick burning it at a slower rate! thanks guys! as for ubuntu resizing the partitions a mate of mine had told me not to trust it, anyway this partition logic works pretty easily. again cheers
  5. tomhughes

    need help me idiot

    trying to resize the partitions on my hard drive so i can dual boot ubuntu and xp but still leave room on xp partition for more music etc... so i downloaded partition logic 0.69 as an iso file and put it on an image cd. problem is when i boot all i get is a blank blue screen!!!! can anybody help me?