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Everything posted by mesmits

  1. Hope someone out there can help me. I have a Canon EOS 400D and a small Sony. On my old computer which ran on XP my wife could use MS Photo Editor on files from both cameras. At Xmas we bought a new laptop and it came with Vista standard. Now Photo Editor will open the Sony files but will not open the Canon files. The Canon files start to open but then I get a message "Error reading file". The Canon files are from 5 -7 meg. in size, and the Sony about 1.5 meg. All files are JPEG. For my wife the critical feature of Photo Editor is its ability to tile photos so she can compare them and delete the bad ones. This feature is not available on any other photo editing program I have tried. They all have thumbnails which are too small to be useful and also cannot be moved around to compare one picture with another right beside it. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Is it Vista? Do I have to go back to XP? CAN I go back to XP? Or is there a photo editing program out there that has the features of Photo Editor. The tiling feature is mandatory. Autophoto Editor, FxFoto, Photo Shop, etc. do not have the tiling feature. The best solution would be to get MS Photo Editor to work on my machine, which BTW is an HP with 2meg of RAM. Thanks for the help.