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  1. Gigabyte Previews Intel Canmore DVP Platform at IDF "As consumers we want digital access to our media, but at the same time we want big screen displays not to be undone by the noise of a computer. Intel thinks it may have a solution to this problem. Make a computer that is cheap and quiet, and specialized at media playback in high definition. The Intel Canmore Digital Video Player concept was discussed this week at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, and Gigabyte have been quick to highlight its entry into this emerging marketplace." URL: http://www.pcstats.com/NewsView.cfm?NewsID=69775 QUICK-LINK: Gigabyte Previews Intel Canmore DVP Platform at IDF ( -at -) PCSTATS.com Please post a link in your news! Thanks, Max Page - Editor
  2. Liebe Kollegen, Webmaster und Newsposter, Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr den folgenden Bericht in euren News erwähnen könntet: --- Titel: ichbinleise ''PC 352 LL'' Review ( -at -) EPIAcenter.de Inhalt: Ich denke ein jeder von euch kennt diese grandiose Firma, die auch das gnadenloseste System bisher schon leise bekommen hat. Wer die nicht kennt, hat die Welt verpennt, oder was verwechsele ich da??! Auf jeden Fall habe ich den kleinsten Spross genauer unter die Lupe genommen und zwar den ichbinleise "PC 352 LL", der auf dem Intel "D201GLY2" (Review Link) Mini-ITX Mainboard aus der Intel Essentials Seriebasiert: "Alles in allem handelt es sich bei dem kleinsten System aus der ichbinleise® Familie, dem "PC 352 LL", um ein Desktop System, das im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten durchaus überzeugen kann und zwar nicht nur in punkto Preis sondern auch in punkto Verbrauch und Geräuschentwicklung. Wer also einen preiswerten Desktoprechner zum Internet Surfen oder für Office Arbeiten benötigt, der liegt mit dem "PC 352 LL" genau richtig. " Bild (klein): http://epiacenter.de/images/news/news_2008/07/pc352ll_news.jpg Bild (groß): http://epiacenter.de/images/reviews/ibl/PC352LL/pc352ll_top1_big.jpg Link: http://epiacenter.de/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=254 --- Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards Niels Koopmann --- News- & Review Administrator ( -at -) www.epiacenter.de Review Administrator ( -at -) www.mini-pc-pro.de zedriq ( -at -) gmx.de zedriq ( -at -) web.de niels.koopmann ( -at -) mini-pc-pro.com ---
  3. Hi, It's Kristofer from DragonSteelMods, and I have a new review today that I think your readers might find interesting. Title: Micro SD / T-Flash Card Reader Review ( -at -) DragonSteelMods Review Link: http://www.dragonsteelmods.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9102&Itemid=1 Review Snipit: "For review today I've got a Micro SD / T-Flash Card Reader from our friends at USBFever and it's possibly the world's smallest card reader on the market today. A little while ago I reviewed the SuperTalent Pico-C Gold USB drive and this reader is actually a tiny bit smaller than the Pico-C Gold so it's a very portable and very useful little gadget. Throw a microSD card into it and you've got the making of the world's smallest USB drive! " Review Picture(200x150): http://www.dragonsteelmods.com/Images/reviews3/usbfevermicrosd/umicro7.jpg Main site link: http://www.dragonsteelmods.com A post in your news would be greatly appreciated. Any and all news sent to me will be posted! If you would like to be added to our 'News Feeds' page please feel free to send me your http link to the feed and I will gladly add it ASAP. If you'd like to swap links for affiliation, I'd be happy to, just drop me a message...
  4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article Name: Razer Piranha Gaming Headset Review ( -at -) Tweaknews.net Article Url: http://www.tweaknews.net/reviews/razer_piranha_gaming_headset_review/ Article PIC: http://www.tweaknews.net/reviews/razer_piranha_gaming_headset_review/img/email.jpg Article Snippet: "Everyone that is a gamer knows that having the freedom to game whenever you want is severely limited to who you are living with or next to. Other than some special situations, both will actively object to you disemboweling your adversary with a gattlin gun at 3am in the morning with you 5.1 speaker system at gaming volume. Because of that simple problem, gamers rely on a good set of gaming headphones to span those times where our gaming audio is not appreciated by others." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Could you email back saying you posted it, TWEAK IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!!! Many Thanks, Nathan Glentworth Owner / Head Editor nathan ( -at -) tweaknews.net www.Tweaknews.net www.Tweaknews.com
  5. -------- SUPER TALENT PICO-C GOLD 8GB USB FLASH DRIVE ( -at -) APH NETWORKS --------- Dear Media friends, APH Networks has published a new review that your readers might enjoy. A post in your site's news section would be greatly appreciated! * Title: Super Talent Pico-C Gold 8GB USB Flash Drive ( -at -) APH Networks * Description: From the initial introduction of USB flash drives to present day, this is one innovation that changed the way people carry data around. Back in the days of floppy drives and floppy disks with a formatted capacity of roughly 1.38MB, to the age of CD-RWs that was never able to take precedence as the prominent portable storage medium, and ending up to present day's popularity of USB flash drives -- how did it all come to be? Computer enthusiasts first embraced this new type of products years ago as a symbol of geekiness and a sort of unashamed pride. Bringing on 16MB, 32MB, and 64MB drives, I still vaguely remember how 'advanced' I was with a stunningly large 512MB SanDisk Cruzer Micro. "It's so compact and convenient," as we used to call it. Times have changed, and I still remember us praising the OCZ Mini-Kart over two years ago on how unbelievably small it is. How two years can mean so much in the technology world! This time, however, Super Talent makes its attempt to redefine the market of unbelievably tiny USB flash drives with the Pico-C -- but while they're at it, they are unwilling to lose the capacity war with the drive available up to 8GB of storage, and claims to be a winner in performance as well. Huge ambitions? We'll see how they live up to that. * Link: http://aphnetworks.com/reviews/super_talent_pico_c_gold_8gb [1] * Image: http://aphnetworks.com/review/super_talent_pico_c_gold_8gb/003.JPG [2] Thanks for your support. Don't forget to send your site news to
  6. Hello Webmasters and News Posters, NEW CONTENT (Digital Lounge) - Blu-ray Importing: Aug 2008 Buying Guide #1 QUOTE: "Based on the mail through my inbox, it seems many of you enjoyed my recent article; “Guide to Buying Blu-rays from Overseas”. With that in mind, I thought you guys might be interested in a regular article series based on it, rounding up the best new release Blu-ray titles that will work on Region B (Australian and European) Blu-ray players. So, welcome to the first instalment, covering some of the best import titles to be be released in July and August." For more information, please visit - http://www.tweaktown.com/guides/1571/blu_ray_importing_aug_2008_buying_guide_1/index.html Best Regards, The TweakTown Team http://www.tweaktown.com
  7. Earlier in the day today Red Hat made an announcement [1] that there had been an intrusion into some of their computer systems last week. In the same announcement they mention that some of the packages for OpenSSH on RHEL-4 ( i386 and x86_64 ) as well as RHEL-5 ( x86_64 ) were signed by the intruder. In their announcement they also clarified that they were confident that none of these, potentially compromised, packages made their way into or through RHN to client and customer machines. As a security measure a script [3] was made available along with a semi-detailed description of the issue [2]. We take security issues very seriously, and as soon as we were made aware of the situation I undertook a complete audit of the entire CentOS4/5 Build and Signing infrastructure. We can now assure everyone that no compromise has taken place anywhere within the CentOS Infrastructure. Our entire setup is located behind multiple firewalls, and only accessible from a very small number of places, by only a few people. Also included in this audit were all entry points to the build services, signing machines, primary release machines and connectivity between all these hosts. Since OpenSSH is a critical component of any Linux machine, we considered it essential to audit the last two released package sets ( openssh-4.3p2-26.el5.src.rpm, openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.src.rpm ). I have just finished this code audit, and can assure everyone that there is no compromised code included in either of these packages. A similar check is also being done for the CentOS-4 sources. Packages released today, by upstream, ( based on : openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.src.rpm, openssh-3.9p1-11.el4_7.src.rpm ) address two issues. Firstly they contain a fix for http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-4752 . And secondly, in the remote event that someone had indeed got compromised packages via RHN, their packages would get updated to a known good state. We wanted to get these packages out right away to address the first issue, and also to cover users converting non updated RHEL installs to CentOS in the next few weeks/months. Release of these packages into the mirror.centos.org network does *not* imply that CentOS users are affected by the intrusion at Red Hat. Finally, while we feel confident that there is no possibility of this compromise having been passed onto the CentOS userbase, we still encourage users to verify their packages independently using whatever resources they might have available. -- [1]: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2008-0855.html [2]: http://www.redhat.com/security/data/openssh-blacklist.html [3]: https://www.redhat.com/security/data/openssh-blacklist-1.0.sh :Its important to note that this script *only* checks for packages built within Red Hat, and will *not* be a reliable source of verification on CentOS since we rebuild from sources, using no Red Hat binary. -- Karanbir Singh CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ } irc: z00dax, #centos ( -at -) irc.freenode.net _______________________________________________
  8. Hello Everyone, Nehalem is the codename for Intel's next generation Core microarchitecture--which has recently been given the official processor family name of "Core i7." Nehalem was one of the big topics of discussion at IDF--and not just because it represents the next generation of Intel's processors, but also because the clock is winding down quickly on when the chip will make its official, public debut. An official date has not been given yet, but Intel is promising that we'll see Nehalem systems for sale sometime in Q4 of this year. Intel claims that Nehalem represents the biggest platform architecture change to date. This might be true, but it is not a grounds-up, completely new architecture design. We've got the full scoop from IDF right here... IDF: Inside Nehalem - http://www.hothardware.com/Articles/IDF-Inside-Nehalem As always, a link in your news sections would be much appreciated! If you'd like us to return the favor, please don't hesitate to send your press
  9. CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2008:0855 Critical Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2008-0855.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename ) i386: d45c32890088d835ce8bc4a569173775 openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.i386.rpm 7f8194567e7797d834c22090d9c55b69 openssh-askpass-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.i386.rpm c145d732591711659b5fe756a4e9a085 openssh-clients-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.i386.rpm 2b1fdc9b245f2c8cd873ea7f8e3b900c openssh-server-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.i386.rpm Source: 278cfb304350f3604fb64ebaee3f1b77 openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.src.rpm -- Karanbir Singh CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ } irc: z00dax, #centos ( -at -) irc.freenode.net _______________________________________________
  10. CentOS Errata and Security Advisory 2008:0855 Critical Upstream details at : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2008-0855.html The following updated files have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors: ( md5sum Filename ) x86_64: 161c953e8c1c47c09542020837e9920b openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.x86_64.rpm 12b02fb6e6d1e8354539cd4cba304803 openssh-askpass-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.x86_64.rpm c281a62dc3c21f1225ea309757b755d1 openssh-clients-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.x86_64.rpm 01b3486f17ecb4adc7c59074525b7fd9 openssh-server-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.x86_64.rpm Source: 278cfb304350f3604fb64ebaee3f1b77 openssh-4.3p2-26.el5_2.1.src.rpm -- Karanbir Singh CentOS Project { http://www.centos.org/ } irc: z00dax, #centos ( -at -) irc.freenode.net _______________________________________________
  11. Global Big Orange Rubber Arrow Awarded at Flashforward Film Festival - Published on 08/22/08 IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Flashforward Film Festival today announced eleven winners of Big Orange Rubber Arrows. The eleven winners, who represent ten categories of work plus one additional award for the People's Choice winner, received their Big Orange Rubber Arrows last night at the awards ceremony. The ceremony, part of the Flashforward2008 San Francisco Conference, showcases the best Flash design and development work, organized under a broad spectrum of categories, from around the world. San Francisco, CA - The Flashforward Film Festival today announced eleven winners of Big Orange Rubber Arrows. The eleven winners, who represent ten categories of work plus one additional award for the People's Choice winner, received their Big Orange Rubber Arrows last night at the awards ceremony. The ceremony, part of the Flashforward2008 San Francisco Conference, showcases the best Flash design and development work, organized under a broad spectrum of categories, from around the world. The winners represent the 'best of the best,' producing new work from well-known, award-winning teams as well as work from fresh new firms and creative individuals. "This is where technical achievement crashes head-on with creativity," said Beau Ambur, CEO Metaliq and Flashforward Conference. "It's thrilling to see the Flash community push the boundaries - technically, creatively, and geographically - with spectacular results." The 11th prize, the People's Choice Award, honors a project chosen by the global internet community from among the 50 Flashforward Film Festival finalists. All winners as well as the nominees can be viewed online. Winners in the eleven categories are: Category, Submission, Winner, Country Application: Flash Filter Lab, Visual MINDS, Hungary Cartoon/Story/Narrative: Bow Street Runner, Littleloud,UK Code: In an ABSOLUT World, Great Works + carlosulloa.com, Sweden Experimental/Art: ensemble, Dofl Yun, UK Game: Ethan Haas Was Right, RED Interactive Agency, USA Motion Graphics: Audi: Rhythm of Lines, GT Labs, UK Navigation/Experience: Spectra Visual Newsreader, Fluid with SS+K, Netherlands Sound: Audiotool, Hobnox,Germany Typography: Mutabor Design, superReal GmbH, Germany Video: Stop Dieting Start Living, Tom Foley, USA People's Choice: Twang!, Nitrome, UK The winners of the Flashforward Film Festival, nominated by the creative community for the ten categories, are chosen by a panel of expert judges. Flashforward Film Festival judges are chosen in advance of the Festival judging process. Festival nominations are judged in multiple rounds, by separate panels of judges. None of the judges evaluate their own work, ensuring that each finalist has won the approval of several experienced and aesthetically diverse perspectives. Judges for the Flashforward Film Festival were: Aral Balkan, Pete Barr-Watson, Simon Conlin, Brendan Dawes, Chris Georgenes, Todd Sanders, Samuel Wan, and for the very first time Lynda Weinman. Flashforward Sponsors Flashforward2008 San Francisco is supported by Adobe, Metaliq, 24 Seven, Academy of Art, Artisan Creative, Aquent, Electrotank, FlashEff, FILTER, lynda.com, Permission TV, Powerflasher Multimedia, Rackspace, R/GA, Walt Disney Internet Group, Xuinet, Yahoo! Developers Network, and YouTube. Media Partners include Actionscript.org, Flash & Flex Developers Magazine, IdN world, netdiver, productionHUB.com, Ribbit Films, and Stash magazine. Conference Winners: http://www.flashforwardconference.com/winners Sponsors: http://www.flashforwardconference.com/sponsors Flashforward is the longest-running and largest Adobe® Flash user conference in the world. Flashforward2008 San Francisco, entering its ninth year, is a three-day event filled with sessions led by the world's leading Flash professionals, offering education, best practices, and inspirational case studies in Flash, Flex, ActionScript, and AIR. Flashforward2008 San Francisco, developed and produced by Beau Ambur, in cooperation with the team at Metaliq, includes the international Flashforward Film Festival and Awards ceremony and a Flash-related industry Expo Hall and community center with opportunities for the entire Flash community to network and share knowledge. August 20-22, 2008 Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco. ### Laura Des Enfants Marketing/PR 917-991-1807 laura ( -at -) flashforwardconference.com ******* ******* *******
  12. GimmeSomeTune Version 4.1.1 Released - Published on 08/22/08 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Eternal Storms Software today announced the immediate availability of GimmeSomeTune version 4.1.1. GimmeSomeTune is an iTunes companion that automatically downloads artwork and lyrics for the currently playing song. It shows an information window and lets the user control iTunes with Apple Remote and Hotkeys. It also "scrobbles" songs to last.fm if you have an account. The application is highly configurable so the users can modify it to their taste. Vienna, Austria - Eternal Storms Software today announced the immediate availability of GimmeSomeTune version 4.1.1. GimmeSomeTune is Eternal Storms Software's well-known iTunes companion that automatically downloads artwork and lyrics for the currently playing song, shows an information window and lets the user control iTunes with your Apple Remote and Hotkeys. It also "scrobbles" your songs to last.fm if you have an account. The application is highly configurable so the users can modify it to their taste. Artwork is fetched from several sites, including all Amazon stores and the Apple iTunes Store. Lyrics are downloaded from lyricwiki, leoslyrics and lyricsdownload, making it a highly reliable lyrics-search-machine. New in this release is the implementation of the newest last.fm protocol to support the "now playing" notification. GimmeSomeTune 4.1.1 includes many under-the-hood improvements and bugfixes. It also re-establishes compatibility with iTunes 7.7. Starting with GimmeSomeTune 4.1, the application is Leopard-only, although the developer has made available a copy of GimmeSomeTune 4.0 that's compatible with iTunes 7.7 for users who haven't upgraded to Leopard yet. The info window is much more responsive to the song changes because it is now using Leopard's Scripting Bridge which is so much faster than AppleScript (and even faster than Apple Events, according to Apple). Core Animation is used for various animations inside the application. The application is now more stable due to many bugfixes and under-the-hood improvements. The daemon that is responsible for starting GimmeSomeTune when iTunes launches has been improved. System Requirements: * Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (a version for 10.4 is available) * iTunes 7 * Internet connection (for artwork and lyrics fetching) * 2 MB hard drive space Eternal Storms: http://www.eternalstorms.at GimmeSomeTune 4.1.1: http://www.eternalstorms.at/gimmesometune Direct Download Link for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: http://www.eternalstorms.at/gimmesometune/GimmeSomeTune.dmg Direct Download Link for Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: http://www.eternalstorms.at/gimmesometune/GimmeSomeTuneTiger.dmg App Icon: http://eternalstorms.at/gimmesometune/icons/gsticn.png Screenshot: http://eternalstorms.at/gimmesometune/icons/gstscreen.jpg Eternal Storms Software is a small software company located in Vienna, Austria, Europe. Their focus is currently on making quality freeware applications - in the past, they've released GimmeSomeTune, an allround iTunes-controller with artwork and lyrics-fetching abilities and HierarchicalDock, which brings back hierarchical menus for folders in Leopard's Dock - amongst many others. "For your computer, all that matters is good software." ### Matthias Gansrigler Chief Developer 436504419738 press ( -at -) eternalstorms.at *******
  13. Hello, - Dragon Age: Origins GC 2008 Screens and Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58252.html - Mercenaries 2: World in Flames GC 2008 COOP Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58250.html - The Lord of the Rings: Conquest GC 2008 Screens http://www.gamershell.com/news_58248.html - Dark Void GC 2008 Walkthrough Trailers http://www.gamershell.com/news_58246.html Best Regards, GamersHell.com Staff =============================================================================
  14. We apologize if you have received this before or if it looks odd. We're trying out a new script. Hi! Smooth Creations is widely known for combining the latest hardware with workmanship of a higher art. While you can buy PCs packing extreme hardware from several system builders, only Smooth Creations will give your case an extreme paint job, where every case has personal variations making every computer unique. We got a chance to test its latest system, dubbed Trek 08. The full review will have to wait though, because after unboxing the case we decided that we wanted to publish a short preview first. It wouldn't be fair to the artwork not to. Link: http://www.nordichardware.com/Reviews/?skrivelse=539 <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/Reviews/--Q-skrivelse--E-539> Quote: /"There comes a point in some people's lives where they stand back, take a gaze at the world around them, and say "Been there, done that." And while that may be true for some, I hope that most do not share that outlook, as there is often something lurking out there that will move the bar just a little bit higher and leave us amazed. Today is one of those moments, a chance for computer geeks ... err ... enthusiasts to relish something special."/ Image (120x90): http://www.nordichardware.com/image3.php?id=5583 <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/image3.php--Q-id--E-5583> A news post would be most appreciated! NH news feed: http://www.nordichardware.com/rss/nyheter.php <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/rss/nyheter.php> //NordicHardware Crew
  15. Hi! ASUS held the Advanced Overclocking Championship in Hong Kong earlier this year, but has now moved it to Berlin for a European blow-out. We were of course there to both follow the competition and defend our nation's colors. Link: http://www.nordichardware.com/Reviews/?skrivelse=540 <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/Reviews/--Q-skrivelse--E-540> Quote: //"This time ASUS had gathered nine teams from around Europe. This time our team consisted of resident writer Robert "crotale" Kihlberg and NordicHardware fellow Marcus "Kinc" Hultin. The three times Swedish national champions were hoping do at least as well as Robert and Jon did back in Hong Kong."// Image (120x90): http://www.nordichardware.com/image3.php?id=5584 <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/image3.php--Q-id--E-5584> A news post would be most appreciated! NH news feed: http://www.nordichardware.com/rss/nyheter.php <http://nyhetsbrev.nordichardware.se/list/lt/t_go.php?i=currentmesg&e=%subscriberid%&l=http://www.nordichardware.com/rss/nyheter.php> //NordicHardware Crew
  16. For those of you that have been in the dark for the last year, Intel's 45nm Wolfdale processors have been the best thing since sliced bread. For the average consumer these processors offer fantastic performance with incredibly low TDPs and prices. Just recently our favorite piece of Hafnium infused circuits received a makeover with the release of the new E0 stepping. Read on to see how the 3.33GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8600 Processor does! Quote: "6GHz was easily attainable with the E8600 having an ungodly low 1.84vcore and I was able to bench between 6100MHz and 6200MHz depending on the benchmark. Consumers with single-stage phase change systems should be able to easily hit speeds of 5200Mhz to 5500MHz as I was booting at 5500MHz around -40 Celsius with ease. This is where the E0 stepping really shines, past 5GHz it just tears everything else to shreds and makes it look easy... Article Title: Intel E8600 Core 2 Duo Processor Review ( -at -) Legit Reviews Article URL: http://legitreviews.com/article/769/1/ --
  17. GIGABYTE produces several models with the P45 chipset. For this particular review, we will be taking a look at the GIGABYTE GA-EP45-DS3R (DDR2) version. This is one of GIGABYTE's mainstream P45 variants. The board is stuffed full of hardware and software features, including their DES (dynamic energy saver) with 6-gears. There's the standard "Ultra Durable 2" moniker, which according to GIGABYTE stands for excellent stability and longevity. Does this board stack up in the current mainstream market? Read on to find out. URL: http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=599 Quote: "Just a short list of honorable mentions brings up DES (dynamic energy saver), with 6-gears for energy conservation. Also worth mentioning is the "Ultra Durable 2" branding that makes use of quality components such as 100% Japanese made solid capacitors, Low RDS(on) MOSFETs, Ferrite Core Chokes, and a Hardware IC's for tight voltage control. Lest we forget the multi-functional 2 port Gigabit LAN, and their new hardware based TPM security feature." Thanks for a post! Ryan Shrout Owner - PC Perspective rshrout ( -at -) pcper.com
  18. New iPhone Finance Application "Ledger" Released - Published on 08/22/08 IMMEDIATE RELEASE Canadian Developer Luke Gladding this morning released Ledger, his finance application for the iPhone and iPod touch through the iTunes Store. The new money management application allows users to track their funds like an accountant. Users can record purchases, transfers, loans and more as well as export account balances and transactions via email. Kitchener, Ontario/Canada - Canadian Developer Luke Gladding this morning released his finance application for the iPhone and iPod touch through the iTunes Store. The new money management application, "Ledger", allows users to track their funds like an accountant. Users can record purchases, transfers, loans and more as well as export account balances and transactions via email. Following years working as an accountant, Luke says “I have always wanted to create an application that is intuitive for both accountants and non-accountants alike. Most personal finance applications make accounting more difficult than it should be." Features include: * Simple interface * View transactions for all accounts * View transactions by account * Edit accounts and transactions details at any time * Export account balances and transactions to CSV Compatible with: * iPhone 2.0 Software Update * iPhone and iPod touch Pricing and Availability: The application is available at the iTunes Store under App Store / Finance. A QuickTime demonstration of the application can be found at the Ledger website. Ledger sells for $3.99 USD. Ledger: http://www.ledgerapp.com Download Ledger: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=288511764&mt=8 Located in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, Luke Gladding is a graphic designer and software developer and has been using the Mac since 1987. Copyright 2008 Luke Gladding. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. ### Lucas Gladding Owner support ( -at -) ledgerapp.com *******
  19. LapStrap May Be The Only True Checkpoint Friendly Solution - Published on 08/22/08 IMMEDIATE RELEASE TSA has implemented a new rule allowing Checkpoint Friendly laptop bags to be utilized in security scanners. TSA stated that it will not endorse or approve any one bag design or manufacturer. This requires TSA Officers to individually identify checkpoint friendly criteria for every laptop bag. Two results: upset travelers who are asked to remove their laptop from what was thought to be a checkpoint friendly bag, or decreased security as bags and laptops are not required to be exposed. Palm Harbor, Florida - As many manufacturers are getting in line to produce the next Checkpoint Friendly laptop bag, there is one product that has taken a different route. As most of these "checkpoint friendly" bags are $100 or more, issues may arise with travelers who are being asked to remove their laptops from their new bag which was purchased to resolve such situations. For only $24.95 USD, the new LapStrap not only allows continued use of your existing laptop bag, but through company testing has not resulted in a single request by TSA Officers to be removed from the laptop. The innovative LapStrap is a simple accessory that creates a shoulder strap for your laptop computer. By attaching LapStrap to your laptop you can continue the use of your existing travel bag and navigate the security checkpoint with ease. LapStrap allows the computer to be secured over your shoulder which frees both hands to gather additional items such as keys, cell phone, and boarding pass. Even with the disclosed "Checkpoint Friendly" criteria, the Transportation Security Administration states that Officers reserve the right to have any laptop removed from its bag, even if the bag is considered "checkpoint friendly" by the manufacturer. LapStrap Features: * Custom colors and logos available * Neoprene shoulder pad * Padded, durable nylon construction * Heavy-duty adjustable buckles * Adult and Youth sizes Another issue arises with laptop travelers if requested to check bags planeside. Many have faced this scenario and find themselves scrambling to remove their laptop as they board the plane. By having LapStrap attached to the laptop, the laptop now becomes easily secured for transporting. Whether faced with a security line, a coffee shop, a quick meeting, or a class LapStrap offers the flexibility to decide to carry your full bag or simply your laptop. LapStrap can be purchased online for $24.95 USD. TheLapStrap: http://www.TheLapStrap.com Located in Palm Harbor, Florida/United States, JustToo Sales Solutions was founded in 2006. JustToo is fully licensed for the manufacture and distribution of LapStrap. All Material © 2006-2008 JustToo Sales Solutions / All Rights Reserved. LapStrap and the LapStrap logo are registered trademarks of JustToo Sales Solutions in the U.S. and/or other countries. ### Todd Moore Managing Director 214-682-7115 Todd ( -at -) TheLapStrap.com *******
  20. Hello, - Quantum of Solace: The Game BTS Trailers and Screens http://www.gamershell.com/news_58244.html - NBA LIVE 09 Pick and Roll Control Tutorial Trailer and Screens http://www.gamershell.com/news_58242.html - Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop GC 2008 Screens and Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58240.html - Bionic Commando GC 2008 Screens and HD Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58238.html - MotoGP 08 GC 2008 Screens/Renders http://www.gamershell.com/news_58236.html - Need for Speed: Undercover GC 2008 Screens and HD Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58234.html - FaceBreaker Audition HD Trailers and Screens #8 http://www.gamershell.com/news_58232.html - Supreme Commander Xbox 360 Screens #4 http://www.gamershell.com/news_58230.html - Skate It GC 2008 Screens and Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58228.html - Star Wars: Clone Wars Collaboration Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58226.html - Jumpgate Evolution HD Trailer #2 http://www.gamershell.com/news_58224.html - Tomb Raider: Underworld HD Trailer #3 http://www.gamershell.com/news_58222.html - Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty GC 2008 HD Trailer and Details http://www.gamershell.com/news_58220.html - Wipeout HD GC 2008 HD Trailer http://www.gamershell.com/news_58218.html Best Regards, GamersHell.com Staff =============================================================================
  21. TechwareLabs has published a review on the Silverstone KL01 Computer Case. Here's a clip from the review: Quote: Looking for a case that is jam packed with features, looks good, and is easy to work on? So were we so we sent Justin out to test the Silverstone KL01. This full size ATX case comes designed with lots of extras and has a sleek aluminum look while retaining the strength of a steel case. See what Justin had to say about the KL01. LINK: http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/cases/Silverstone-KL01/ Title: Silverstone KL01 Computer Case ( -at -) TechwareLabs Image: http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/cases/Silverstone-KL01/images/KLO1.jpg A news post would be greatly appreciated!
  22. WebIS introduces Note2Self 1.11 for iPhone - Published on 08/22/08 IMMEDIATE RELEASE WebIS is proud to announce Note2Self 1.11, an update to their easy-to-use audio recorder for Apple iPhone. It allows anyone to quickly record a voice note, save it in a Saved Notes list and automatically send it to any email address, all without pushing a single button. Instant, hands free voice mail. Improvements include Location Tagging, Shake recording, note naming and reordering, and more. Note2Self continues to be the easiest audio recording and emailing application for the iPhone. Cedar Park, Texas - WebIS is proud to announce Note2Self 1.11, an update to their simple and easy-to-use audio recorder for Apple iPhone. Designed from the ground up to take advantage of the iPhone's unique abilities and interface, Note2Self is an incredibly simple application to keep track of task items via the email inbox. As wonderful as iPhones are, they still lack an easy way to create actionable items with the most natural method of output: the human voice. Note2Self allows anyone to quickly record a voice note, save it in a Saved Notes list and automatically send it to a preset email address. All of this can be performed hands-free, without having to select a contact, type text, or any other distraction that could prove dangerous or difficult to do. The key to unlocking productivity is for Note2Self to be incredibly streamlined and focused. Start Note2Self. Bring the iPhone up to the ear and start talking. Bring it back down and the recording stops. The recorded message is saved or emailed automatically. "... collecting short notes to yourself and sending them off - it works extremely well" Jesse David Hollington, iLounge. Version 1.11 offers additional features which will be particularly useful to anyone on the go. Users can now choose to shake the iPhone to record a note, or simply turn it face down on a desk. And Note2Self also sports GPS Location Tagging of voice notes too, making it easy to see at-a-glance the location from where the note was taken. Additionally, users may re-order notes up or down the list, so naming and ordering of voice notes brings Note2Self up to a new level of note taking. Version 1.11 improves greatly by adding the following features: * Automatic recordings using the accelerometer by bringing the phone to your ear, turning it upside down or shaking * Added Settings to turn off Accelerometer Support * Pausing recordings * GPS Location Tagging of Voice Notes * Google Map integration * Naming of notes * Clear All Notes * Reorder Notes * New detail page for notes to show more information * Volume control * More options to better control Note2Self * Improved Reliability Leveraging Apple's Cocoa Touch foundation, Note2Self is gorgeous looking and truly an easy to use application. It uses the proximity sensor to turn off the screen when the iPhone is brought up to the face. And likewise, the accelerometer toggles recording on and off automatically. Instant, hands free voice mail. Only on the iPhone. Note2Self can record audio as long as there is free space, and offers two encoding options to help decide the quality of the voice message which are playable with Apple's QuickTime software. Note2Self Sending Service: While the iPhone email client is capable of sending attachments, this ability is not yet available to Apple iPhone Developers. So for Note2Self to send email voice notes, WebIS has set up a passthrough server that accepts voice notes via a web service and then sends the email to the recipients. System Requirements: * iPhone or iPod Touch 2.0 Pricing and Availability: Note2Self 1.11 for iPhone is only $2.99 USD and available exclusively through Apple's App Store. WebIS: http://webis.net/ Note2Self for iPhone: http://webis.net/products_info.php?p_id=note2self_iphone Purchase Note2Self for iPhone: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=284945000&mt=8 QuickTime Movie: http://webis.net/graphics/iPhone/screenshots/Note2Self/video/Note2Self.mov Note2Self Sending Service: http://webis.net/products/note2self/N2S_Signup.php?iPhone=yes Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, WebIS, Inc. is a privately funded Corporation founded in 1997 by Aleksei Kac. WebIS, Inc. has focused on the Mobile PDA and Smartphone market since August of 2001 and has risen to become one of top ten developers by sales for mobile devices shortly thereafter. With more than 500,000 users on Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, and now the iPhone, WebIS has shown expertise, leadership, and vision in the mobile space. For more information on WebIS or Pocket Informant, please visit their website. Copyright 1997-2008 WebIS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. ### Aleksei Kac CEO/Founder 512-248-1729 alex ( -at -) webis.net *******
  23. When a company called Lucid unveiled a web site promising a revolutionary new technology that could deliver near-perfect performance scaling for multiple GPUs, independent of GPU type, we were initially skeptical. Their claims sounded odd and perhaps too good to be true. But not only were they were present on the show floor at IDF, they were showing a demo of working silicon. Remarkably enough, it appears they may just be on to something big. Here's a rough sketch of how it all works. http://techreport.com/articles.x/15367 Thanks, Scott __ Scott Wasson The Tech Report PC Hardware Explored http://techreport.com -- To unsubscribe from: TR-News, just follow this link:
  24. Hi all, We have just published a review of Space Siege.If you could post a link on your site that would be very much appreciated. *Link: http://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/2008/08/22/space-siege/1* *Picture: http://images.bit-tech.net/content_images/2008/08/space-siege/s15.jpg* *Quote: *If I was going to attach an emotion to /Space Siege/ then it would be thus; /m'eh/. It isn't that the game is really bad or anything since the basic mechanics all work and if you're really into singleplayer grindfests then this will be a treat for sure. The issue is though that the game is utterly unremarkable and unable to stand out in literally anyway. * *Cheers guys! Tim Smalley www.bit-tech.net
  25. Hi all, We are out in San Francisco covering events as they unfold at the Intel Developer Forum Fall 2008. Below is a list of stories we've covered so far - if you could post links on your site that would be very much appreciated. *MID runs World of Warcraft, 1080p video... poorly: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/22/mid-runs-world-of-warcraft-1080p-video-poorly/1* Intel says WiMAX to reach a billion by 2012: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/22/intel-says-wimax-will-reach-a-billion-by-2012/1 * First dual-core Atom slips out: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/22/first-dual-core-atom-slips-out/1 * Intel to make big Visual Computing push with devs: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/22/intel-to-make-big-visual-computing-push-with-devs/1* Carmack on multi-threading in id Tech 5: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/22/carmack-on-multi-threading-in-id-tech-5/1* Intel and DreamWorks unveil InTru 3D: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/21/intel-and-dreamworks-unveil-intru-3d/1* Nehalem likely to launch at 3.2GHz: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/21/nehalem-likely-to-launch-at-3-2ghz/1 * Moorestown is on track for 2009/2010: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/21/moorestown-is-on-track-for-2009-2010/1 * Yahoo! announces widget partnership with Intel: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/21/yahoo-announces-widget-partnership-with-intel/1* Intel launches SoC aimed at Consumer Electronics: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/20/intel-launches-soc-aimed-at-consumer-electronics/1* * *Small form factor Penryn chips announced: *http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/08/20/small-form-factor-penryn-chips-announced/1 For all of our IDF coverage, please check our IDF Fall 2008 news index: http://www.bit-tech.net/news/idf-fall-2008/ * *Cheers guys! Tim Smalley www.bit-tech.net