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About USBMalfuntionHell

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  1. USBMalfuntionHell

    USB Device Not Recognized (Malfunction)

    By the way, this isn't a USB cable problem or a vista problem or a device problem, it is a OS problem that I believe has to do with the low voltage (A Polyfuse (sometimes green in color, and located near where the port is), is a protection device used on the motherboard. If the Belkin tried to push +5V up into the motherboard, the difference in voltages, across the low resistance of the wiring, could result in a relatively large current flow. That could cause the Polyfuse on the motherboard to open. The Polyfuse will recover automatically, once it has had a chance to cool off. Which is why I'd suggest checking the hub, to see if it is emitting +5V on the upstream port.) as read on another thread, I think this guy is onto something...what do you all think?
  2. USBMalfuntionHell

    USB Device Not Recognized (Malfunction)

    Last one, my laptop is HP DV8000, purchased F/Best Buy Dec 2006, Running XP, system never leaves home, stays stationary 100% of the time, used to run audio equipment 90% of the time, web surf and watch videos, no games or high volume programs running to overload system. System normally runs great very fast and very reliable, problem USB ports (4) no longer recognize any usb devices! Can send audio video via wireless to other remore devices (Wireless USB HUB, PSP.S3, other laptops and desktops, no problems. USB ... Not working YET. Will watch for your replies, thanks, hope we can resolve the issue soon! For GOOD this time! I'll post as soon as system is repaired 1000%. Thanks for listening!
  3. USBMalfuntionHell

    USB Device Not Recognized (Malfunction)

    Me again, I can only come up with some sort of hardware failure which leads me to believe this is a mother F board failure at the USB chipset due from an over voltage problem much like a lightning strike causes household appliances to react poorly too! In some cases it fries them as it did many of mine about two years ago, a tv two amps and so on, all due to a power surge on very low voltage components, such as the 5 volt USB out put, although you would think it was a freaking matter of national security seeing you can't find zip on MS , HP websites concerning this matter, with little to no real fix on this subject posted anywhere that works 100% of the time. It does however work well for their sales figures seeing most will in time simply purchase a new PC so they can use their USB devices, nice work MS. Why fix what in the end spells big bucks here, millions to say the least. Now since MS created the OS and HP purchased it and we paid them both, as well as anyone else using this system, it's time to go to the root, that is who the hell made the boards that this crap is running on? Apparently there is a reason why you see more and more PC's being built with less USB ports and more powered USB devices, they are apparently faulty thus they are causing US a number of problems to say the least. Let's post what we can find out collectively, about what is being put into our PC that simply doesn't work as it should and let the companies know that we know what's going and and they MUST fix it, NOW! It isn't hard these days to send and email or post a blog about anyone saying anything you wish, within reason of coarse, so provided you have legitimate complaints, let's do some serious complaining and get this ball rolling. I've waited a day of my time and that's more then I wish to waste, period! Thanks, I'm listening,
  4. USBMalfuntionHell

    USB Device Not Recognized (Malfunction)

    USB Hell, I'm using a HP DV8000 runs XP, was using 3 of the four USB ports, worked great for the past year or so, never a single problem, even use the 4th usb daily but unplug that one mostly (IPOD / Flash drive) the other three run a WD 250 Externalhard drive (s) and a Tascam 122 audio interface unit and a RocketFish usb mouse. All worked flawlessly until yesterday. I was listening to music outside my house listening to online material, run from its webpage to my interface via usb on to my stereo components, which I do often without a single problem. Noticed the music stopped thinking it was The normal website chatter disconnects which does happen occasionally, refresh and normally it does the trick, up and running. But not this time, USB D N R an usb device has malfunctioned etc... That is where I am and where I found myself setting up this account in hope of a little extra insight from you the forum readers...so let's see what the hell is going on here. Already checked the units they all work fine when attached to any of my other laptops / pc/s so...NEXT... I've just run the battery down, unplugged the power source and let sit for about 15 minutes in hope of the before mentioned ( in postings ) to allow the over voltage to bleed down provided this is even a possibility to start with. Okay ready to set system back up for try #1, reboot ( go or no go) Hmmm! well no go people, NEXT!!! Let me hear from you! Thanks