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Everything posted by 77FordTruckMan

  1. 77FordTruckMan

    Betrayal In antara

    has anybody tried this? http://forums.vgames.com/thread.jspa?threadID=73079&tstart=0 its supposed to get betrayal in antara to work on xp (it almost works...) but when I am in combat it gives me an error and exits the game it says the GAMESYSR.DLL file is the problem, so I replaced it with the original one but that did not help. also if anyone knows how to get this game to work some other way like on windows 3.1 in dosbox please respond in that thread http://www.compatdb.org/support/topics/189468_.html#Post189468 I posted the problems I am having with that in there.
  2. 77FordTruckMan

    Betrayal In antara

    well nevermind, I got it to work.
  3. 77FordTruckMan

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    Someone please respond, we could really use some help with this, I tried re-installing win32s, tried lots of dosbox settings, including all the core settings, tried up[censored] win32s, and I eventually got the game to start to some up, it shows the sword cursor, but just a black screen and the cursor and everything else frezzes.
  4. 77FordTruckMan

    Running Windows 3.1 in DosBox

    ok, I got the cd drive thing to work, I was trying to mount it like you mount a regular hard drive folder(I've been using dosbox for years but never needed to mount a cd drive)anyway I am still getting that win32s error, one time I was able to get a little farther but the game tried to open, froze and then closed eventually. please help.
  5. 77FordTruckMan

    Running Windows 3.1 in DosBox

    Thats what I was doing, but the drives don't show up all I have is a,c and Z:dosbox, but I think I got past that problem anyway, now when I go to run betrayal in antara it starts to load and then it exits the game and dosbox, I tried switching the cpu core to normal but then got this error Win 32s - Error Initialization of a dynamic link library failed. The process is terminating abnormally. I tried all the other core settings and reinstalling win 32s, nothing works...
  6. 77FordTruckMan

    Return to Krondor & Betrayal in Antara- can't play

    Originally Posted By: Aether Demon Ok, I installed DosBox 0.72, and switched the core to normal but as soon as I switch the core I get this error when I try to open Antara. Win 32s - Error Initialization of a dynamic link library failed. The process is terminating abnormally. also Application Execution Error Unexpected DOS error: 21 yeah I got the same problem, why isn't anybody responding?
  7. 77FordTruckMan

    Running Windows 3.1 in DosBox

    i've done all this but I don't know how to make windows point to the cd drive since the c: drive is mounted in dosbox and i cant figure out how to get into the e: drive through windows 3.1, I tried copying all the files into the install directory in the windows folder but that didnt seem to work.