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Everything posted by whetle

  1. Best Email Spy Software Record & Forward incoming and outgoing emails Email Spy Pro is well known e-mail monitoring software. It allows you to record and forward incoming and outgoing emails, including web-mail services like Hotmail and Yahoo mail. Once installed on monitored computer it sends copies of all incoming and outgoing emails to your secret email address. Web-based emails capture Nowadays most people use web-based email services (such services enable you to access your email via your web browser. You log into your email account via the Web to send and retrieve emails). Today Email Spy Pro allows to capture web-based emails (Yahoo and Hotmail, both incoming and outgoing). POP3-based emails capture Email Spy Pro allows to capture incoming emails of POP3-based mail services. Such services store your incoming messages on a server until you are ready to collect them. You download them using an email software package (Eudora, Pegasus Mail or Outlook Express, for instance). Once you have downloaded the messages, they are deleted from the server and stored on your PC. POP3 mail is what most Internet Service Providers offer, so you probably already have at least one POP3 email account. SMTP-based emails capture Email Spy Pro allows to capture SMTP outgoing e-mails. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another. The messages can then be retrieved with an e-mail client software using either POP3 or IMAP protocols. Most of Internet Service Providers use SMTP mail servers to deliver outgoing e-mails sent via your regular email software packages. Captured emails delivery Email Spy Pro captured emails can be delivered either to specified remote email address or to local disk folder of monitored computer. Remote email delivery is more appropriated for users who want to review captured emails remotely. For example, boss or company security officer receives and reviews employees emails on his own computer. Local folder delivery can be more appropriate for home users when parents review children emails or spouses monitor the communicates of their partner. Email Spy Pro Security Email Spy Pro has reliable security options. Hotkey activation and access password allow users to be protected against unauthorized program start, uninstall or settings change. Complete invisibility of program files and processes protects against unauthorized program removal and detecting by anti spyware applications. Company email policy In the most of cases employees’ emails monitoring is permitted if it is done in a reasonable manner and backed up by an company email policy. Email Spy Pro allows to display special warning on user system logon to inform employees about company email monitoring policy. You can either modify default policy text example (if it’s suitable for you, of course) or enter your own text. Extremely easy to setup To install and configure program you simply have to run setup file and configure your delivery way for captured emails. Even computer novice can use Email Spy Pro. Email Spy Pro is appropriate for: ■Parents concerned about what their children send by email who they communicate with, and whether adults may be trying to solicit their children online. ■Spouses concerned about who and when communicates with their partner. ■Businesses trying to put a stop to inappropriate using of company name, leakage of trade/industrial secrets or intellectual property. More spysoftware in spy monitor forum
  2. whetle

    need a special software

    I would like to know where do I get a spy software to monitor employees'internet behavior,because many employees like to abuse of the internet not so complicated and not so expensive any recommend will be appreciate!
  3. whetle

    First iPhone 3GS Spy Software Released

    I want to share another http://www.sms-spy.org/ it is excellent too!