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Everything posted by JackHank

  1. JackHank

    Monitoring network speed

    As for me,for bandwidth monitor you can try use ProteMac Meter.It;s really nice prog)
  2. JackHank

    Need Network Activity Monitoring Software

    Hi,you can try to use ActyMac DutyWatch.It is tool for computer monitoring.I use it is for record all website visited my kids and i know what they do.Try.It is must be helpful to your.But it's for Mac.
  3. JackHank

    Best firewall/antivirus/antispyware combo

    I prefer protect my mac and for it i use ProteMac Netmine .It's firewall.In my opinion it's really good tool.
  4. it's so interesting ,but i use SkypeCap,It's one of the best Skype recorders I have had to deal with.