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Everything posted by sunroi77

  1. sunroi77

    Novell to Windows Server 2008 Migration

    Originally Posted By: Myke Will Robocopy work within the Novell environment? My approach is to log on to a Windows XP workstation which has the Novell client installed. Authenticate to Novell & map a drive to the appropriate Novell directory; then map a drive to the 2008 server share. Then run robocopy on the workstation to copy from the one mapped drive to the other. The advantage of this method is that once you work out the correct robocopy switches, you can put them in a batch file and schedule it to run daily.
  2. sunroi77

    Novell to Windows Server 2008 Migration

    We're in a similar situation, switching from Novell to Server 2008. Our setup is very basic; all we will be using under 2008 is file services (and of course AD and all that entails). As of now I haven't found anything that will let me migrate the file server role directly from NDS to 2008. If I don't find any such tool, I will probably just use robocopy to copy all the file server data to the 2008 file server ... and then use robocopy daily to do "incremental" copies leading up to the day of the actual cut-over. All while creating global groups etc manually on the 2008 AD. More info on Robocopy here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2006.11.utilityspotlight.aspx We do have the advantage of having relatively few users and groups, otherwise this manual approach wouldn't really be feasible.