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G Carson

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Everything posted by G Carson

  1. G Carson

    Win XP failure

    A year has passed since you posted this. Did you ever get it running?
  2. G Carson

    Win XP failure

    A year has passed since you posted this. Did you ever get it running?
  3. Creative is almost by itself advertising compatibility with XP 64, and so I purchased this Creative Live! Cam Socialize HD 1080 in good faith. I updated the firmware and the driver, and Device Manager had no difficulty showing the new Imaging Device as Creative Live! Cam Socialize HD 1080 (VF0680). Great. Skype, too—up to the Microphone test—showed me I was using VF0680 Live! Socialize HD 1080. BUT, when Skype was asked to test Video, there was an "Unknown Error". I'm stymied. Important: I have XP 32 and XP 64 both installed as multiboot on the same box. After running into these problems on XP 64, I rebooted to XP 32. Both the webcam and Skype worked flawlessly without my even lifting a finger. Okay, so I rebooted to XP 64. Two days' work and experimentation and driver-reinstalls later, I have solved nothing. The driver I'm working with is Creative Live! Cam Socialize HD 1080 (VF0680) Driver 1.01.02, which shows as LCSH_0680_PCDRV_17_1_01_02.exe . ?? /Thanks