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Everything posted by SHS

  1. SHS

    Darkstone under WIn2k RC2

    D3D is DEAD in RC2 on all TnT card so far I haven't found a work a round. Not even older drivers work. your Best bet is RC1 2072 that last know builder to work in D3D mode.
  2. SHS

    Voodoo3, directx and w2k build 2000 RC1

    WoW what and older builder. Sound like you use the wrong INF Drivers witch one did you get ?. If I recall rigth the builder was junk & D3D didn't work any way.
  3. SHS

    Voodoo2--cannot get it to work

    Your better off useing 1 Voodoo2 with older drivers. So you loes a few FPS now ask your self is played "YES it is". Intell we get official Windows2000 drivers be happy with what you got now.
  4. elvis do you have PCI sound card ?. I use to have that one work just fine in Win9x system but not NT4 nor aka NT5 or Windows2000 RC0 with any PCI sound card other then S90 sound from Diamond
  5. SHS

    Stac Compression in Win2k RC1?

    Yes It work for me even with my Duel modem setup, but your ISP must support it for it to work.
  6. SHS

    Bad new's every one with Windows2000 RC2

    Well it no go with older banshee drivers to ahhh, same problem show up Glide will then work then D3D dosen't DBL ahhh. From look of thing's it look we need some official Windows2000 Glide Drivers.
  7. SHS

    Bad new's every one with Windows2000 RC2

    That rigth, I all ready try down grade the voodoo3 drivers but I lost D3D support in doing so try uesing 2072 & 2099 & 2114 drivers, so it was no go that way. Unreal will run D3D mode but the bad part is Unreal get a lot of paues in the game in fact so do Half-Life Ahhh man this real sink. I'am working on a fix or a work a round "I hope". I keep you all post if & win I find a fix I still have few more ace up my sleve hehe.
  8. SHS

    RC2 and Voodoo3

    Bad new's is Windows2000 RC2 OpenGL ICD & Glide is official DEAD, How every D3D now official Work's.
  9. SHS

    Win2k SMP Q3 with a voodoo3?

    Do to fact that you & I & everyone esle is use Win9x OpenGL ICD witch dosen't support SMP mode. I like to point out that the NT4 OpenGL ICD dosen't work under Windows2000.
  10. The app you got doesn't work under Windows2000, you need Adaptec Easy CD Creator 3.5C & DirectCD 2.5D or CDRWin 3.7F or all new Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4 "but I think it s**k". You will all so you need Adaptec CDR patch from Adaptec for Adaptec Easy CD Creator 3.5 to work
  11. SHS

    Older w2k builds

    I try e-mail you after I saw the pic you send my but the e-mail get return back to me hmm.
  12. SHS

    Older w2k builds

    Yup that the one downside about Quake3 it is a bit slower under Windows2000 then NT4 is but you have to take in count for no ture blue Windows2000 Glide, OpenGL ICD drivers from 3dfx. Oh that video properties panel has the "Direct3d" button being gray don't worry about it had nothing to do it. Hmm the only thing I can think of is you not runing the build in Banshee drivers drivers on the Voodoo3 Take look at this http://www.wavecomputers.net/~toste/screenshot/Voodoo3.jpg as you can see Mini VDD saying Banshee what version is your ?
  13. SHS

    Older w2k builds

    Hmmm boy this all to weird Tell me more about your system HacKnigHt. Boy you all think you all got problem try this COM H*ll Well I got my other phone line back that good but my modem is dead dog on IRQ3 3F8 COM1 my modem must share the same IRQ "you guest it, it a Diamond SupraSonic II 112k" both 2099 & 2114 are dead dog with com port's. Had to go back to 2072 ahhhhh this s**k oh well there gose my mikephone "SBLive!". By the way this would happing to a SMP system ?.
  14. SHS

    Disk Defragmenting...

    Blake what ever you do, do not install any of Norton Utilities not even the one for NT4. One other thing DO NOT use open Partition that Windows98 Defrag & Scandisk can see there are not Capability with Windows2000 Files Folder nor is Windows98 Defrag & Scandisk Capability. It alway's best to use 16bit fat or NTFS Fat there are some know incapability problem with Windows200 & 32bit fat drive & Windows2000 Defrag useing that builder. RC2 should have this fix.
  15. SHS

    D3D in W2K

    Only for a few Video card's, Voodoo3 is one of that had's the switch buildin to the drivers. So go back 2072 in tell RC2 come out sorry there nothing I can do about it
  16. SHS

    Older w2k builds

    Are you runing 16bit color desktop for Quake3 ?.
  17. SHS


    why Windows2000 all ready has DX7 buildin
  18. SHS

    Win2k, AbitBP6 and Voodoo3 problems

    Yes I can run Half-Life, Quake 1&2, Unreal & few other but I only have 1 CPU. sorry it should said, Why worry about D3D it will be official D3D drivers in RC2 next week, maybe that why MS disable it being it dosen't work rigth on SMP system. Good point but you take in count for SMP system. DBL check your system bios setting maybe something is on win it should be disable 1: Disable all Video Shadow 2: Disable PCI/VGA Palette snoop 3: Disable Video RAM Cacheable 4: Disable Video BIOS Cacheable 5: Assign IRQ for VGA
  19. SHS

    Win2k, AbitBP6 and Voodoo3 problems

    make sure the desktop set to 16bit color for both D3D & Glide as well as ICD OpenGL. I worry to must about D3D for now be Voodoo3 will D3D enable in RC2 next week
  20. Yup that rigth that me. Sorry I thougth you had 1, 128meg dimm & 1, 64meg dimm. That good Idea Brian. That ture they are takeing Report.
  21. SHS

    SMP with Unreal.

    unsupported. Official support game's only 1 & that is Quake3. Applications there are 6 1 Graphics the other 5 are CAD
  22. Brian try reading the message I post in the newgroup.
  23. SHS

    Win2k, AbitBP6 and Voodoo3 problems

    run C:\WINNT\system32\dxdiag.exe go to display tab look at Direct3D Acceleration is it gray out ?. Witch drivers are you useing Banshee or Voodoo3 from sound of it your useing voodoo3.dll & voodoo3.sys rigth ?. You do know that Voodoo3 & Quake3 do not support SMP mode. The KEY "CapabilityOverride" need to be del for D3D to work.
  24. SHS

    voodoo 3 inf vs voodoo 3 icd inf

    The are diff one useing the Banhee drivers the other useing voodoo3 drivers both will give D3D under Windows2000 use Voodoo3 Video Card. But you must have RC1 or builder 2072 to use the buildin voodoo3 drivers. I had Philipp levae the older one up for poeple with older builder. The other Diff is one dose run Quake3 "ICD for Quake3" the other dosen't that why you need ICD for Quake3 a lot poeple don't care about the ICD for Quake3.
  25. SHS

    Off topic

    Go to Command Prompt type winver look at Evalation copy,Expires It should be 444 day the day you install it.