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Everything posted by YuppieScum

  1. YuppieScum

    Can't get nvidia 3.53 to work

    I've been mulling this over, and I think that we won't see any "official" drivers with an overclock facility. NT is (and always has been) about stability first and foremost. Overclocking is completely contrary to this goal - it pushes the hardware beyond its design limits - and I can't believe MS will sanction drivers that support this. You'll have to live with PowerStrip after all...
  2. YuppieScum

    Force Feedback Effects

    My FF stick works perfectly under 2128 and 2072. Check that when it installed, the OS correctly detected that you have an FF stick and not a regular non-FF - sometimes an extension cable can make the difference with a digital stick. Also, do you get FF effects under Win9x?
  3. YuppieScum

    Matrox G400 - OpenGL - Win2k RC2 2128

    I don't know about dolce, but I work for the largest financial institution in the world, and as a W2k beta test site we're unable to get any co-operation out of Matrox regarding drivers for the G400, even though we have an installed base of "many thousand" Millenium2s and G200s. I have returned my eval G400 DH board, with a "don't bother" recommendation, simply because of the appaling driver situation.
  4. YuppieScum

    New Build 2151 is out!

    MS have released "interim build" 2151 on their beta ftp site. More word when I've tried it out.
  5. YuppieScum

    New Build 2151 is out!

    What files are you missing? Mine works fine...
  6. YuppieScum

    Matrox G400 - OpenGL - Win2k RC2 2128

    Don't expect to get worthwhile drivers out of Matrox for at least another two months. The current drivers have no D3D and no OpenGL. Don't waste your money.
  7. YuppieScum

    How to enabled TNT o/c with 3.53

    This from www.rivazone.com Quote: Add the DWORD of CoolBits with a value of 3 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>NVidia Corporation>Global>NVTweak Reboot and this adds another tab to the display properties tab called Hardware Properties, with a nifty little overclocking utility
  8. YuppieScum

    New Build 2151 is out!

    Broadband rocks, don't it FWIW, this build ships with TNT driver 3.27, which doesn't support D3D. I'll try the new 3.53 in a while...
  9. YuppieScum

    Official TNT2 Ultra Drivers

    W2K reverts to an INF in the WINNT/INF directory if the drivers are unsigned. Trash those files (both the INF and PNF) then re-install.
  10. YuppieScum

    Official (?) drivers from Nvidia/Microsoft

    Aha! Have you installed the final release version of DX7 ?
  11. YuppieScum

    Official (?) drivers from Nvidia/Microsoft

    Actually, the 3.55 release was just the 3.52 with a newer INF and TXT. The drivers themselves were exactly the same. The 3.53 release IS a newer version, and I'm about to install it! FWIW, build 2072 and the 191 drivers work great with FreeSpace2 - I've played it through once already...
  12. YuppieScum

    Networking : Win2k + 95

    By default, Win9x installs NETBEUI as a network protocol. This is because it very quickly will provide peer-to-peer networking with none of the user-unfriendlyness of TCP/IP - no DNS or etc/hosts file to edit, no DHCP or IP addresses to allocate, no gateway to specify. On the other hand, W2K does not install NETBEUI by default, because it's incredibly insecure (easy to spoof), isn't scalable, and isn't routable...in short, it's crap. So, you can either: a. Add NETBEUI to the network protocols under W2K b. Add TCP/IP to the Win9x machine, edit the hosts files on both, blah blah. Also, if you want to do Internet Connection sharing, you'll need to be running TCP/IP... HTH, etc
  13. YuppieScum

    PC-100 Ram and Pentium III 600 Prices Dropping

    Hey FC, don't worry if the Coppermine only come out as PPGA370. Just get a couple of slotkets (slot 1 converters). I use a pair on my P6DBS (same board, BX chipset) with a couple of 300As @ 450. Also it looks like Intel will be charging a premium for any new Slot1 versions of their CPUs...
  14. YuppieScum

    MS Sidewinder Force Feedback

    Aha! This is a "the game port doesn't work" question. The driver I have is called "Game Port for Creative", dated 23-Sep-99 version The file itself is gameenum.sys version 5.00.2058.1 I don't remember installing it on it's own, so I can only assume it arrived with the SB Live drivers titled "Creative SB Live! Basic (WDM)" which I'm almost sure come with 2072. You may need to uninstall your existing SB Live (and game port) support, and re-installing from scratch...
  15. YuppieScum

    MS Sidewinder Force Feedback

    Go to Control Panel, Game Controllers. Click Add Select "Microsoft SideWinder (AutoDetect)" Click OK. This works for me with a FFP on 2072 and 2128, using the game port on my SB Live.
  16. YuppieScum

    FINALLY rc2 tnt drivers that work

    Using: Build 2128 DirectX7 Final Release NVidia 3.52 drivers Everything appears to work. DXDIAG - both DD and D3D work UT - using D3D Q3A - using OpenGL Tirtanium 1.60 - using both D3D and OpenGL Based on this, I'm tempted to updated my day-to-day usage 2072 install to 2128.
  17. YuppieScum

    DX7 Release for RC2 and TNT

    Well, I just got the release version of DX7 for RC2 from the NT5 beta site. Guess what? The combination of the TNT 3.36 drivers and DX7 on RC2 . . . STILL doesn't work properly.
  18. YuppieScum

    Supermicro P6DGS SCSI Compatibility

    The LCD panel runs about three grand, if you have to pay for them. I've got two on eval, and one ended up in my apartment when we moved office. As regards RAM, I have 3*128 and 1*64 in the machine. Ordered through priceWatch companies - found the cheapest, and placed the orders. . . I could find out what brand it is, but I'd have to down the machine, and that would impact my RC5DES keyrate (Team 2CPU - www.2cpu.com)
  19. YuppieScum

    Supermicro P6DGS SCSI Compatibility

    FWIW, I'm running with an SB Live, TNT, and VooDoo2 SLI, on a Compaq TFT8000 (18" LCD on eval) too. Everything works !!!
  20. YuppieScum

    My win2k RC2 results:

    According to the blurb, PowerStrip ( <A href=http://www.entechtaiwan.com>from here</A> ) will do it.
  21. YuppieScum

    DX7 Release for RC2 and TNT

    Top Tip: Do a search in the INF directory looking for files that contain TNT or NVIDIA. Trash those that look like they're for your card. Then reboot and re-install.
  22. YuppieScum

    Supermicro P6DGS SCSI Compatibility

    I've had no problems with my Supermicro P6DBS (7895 chipset) - basically the same board with BX instead of GX chipset. I've used all the 2.x BIOS revisions (currently on 2.2) and in every instance - whether IDE or SCSI - installing W2K has just worked. Through 2099, 2031, 2072, 2114 and 2128, one CPU or two, never a problem. FWIW, I have a Seagate Cheetah 4Gb and Fuji9G U-SCSI on one SCSI channel, and a Tosh 32x CD, Yamaha 4416 CDR/RW and ZIP on the other. Everything works, all the time. Adaptec ROCKS! (sorry)
  23. YuppieScum

    DX7 Release for RC2 and TNT

    Word around the campfire is that RC3 should see a resolution to all this - DX7-compatible TNT drivers shipping with the build. However, we're not going to see RC3 for another four weeks or so . . .
  24. YuppieScum

    New NVidia reference drivers for RC2

    I tried it too under 2128 (RC2) using DXDIAG. First D3D test crashed. Second and subsequent runs ran fine. DirectDraw failed completely - no output whatsoever. Back to the drawing board...
  25. YuppieScum

    Yamaha 4416s CDRW

    The ASPI layer from the Adaptec site only works with Adaptec ACSI cards... If you have someone elses (why?) invest in a copy of EasyCD4 - it works great under W2K and even supports DirectCD!