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About Bartonion

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  1. Bartonion

    Sharing Favorites, addresses between win2k/win98

    Sorry about the late response! here ya go: Bill, If you can find the directory where the new .dbx files are (usually under \Documents and Settings\<username>...), just do a search on the drive for *.dbx) then you should simply be able to copy the contents of the old mail directory into the new one, and Outlook Express should see them next time you launch it. Thanks, Chad Beeder Microsoft Product Support Services ------------------
  2. Bartonion

    Sharing Favorites, addresses between win2k/win98

    Sorry about the late response! here ya go: Bill, If you can find the directory where the new .dbx files are (usually under \Documents and Settings\<username>...), just do a search on the drive for *.dbx) then you should simply be able to copy the contents of the old mail directory into the new one, and Outlook Express should see them next time you launch it. Thanks, Chad Beeder Microsoft Product Support Services ------------------
  3. Bartonion

    How i install openGL for win2k ?

    Also you cant run riva gl you have to run default gl...
  4. Bartonion

    Only 60Hz refresh rate in games

    This fix works but you HAVE to run dxdiag.exe and set the override setting in the "more help" box.
  5. Bartonion

    Sharing Favorites, addresses between win2k/win98

    Hey Bill, I copied your post,(with my name on it), to the win2k members site of which im a member...I need the same answer...I'll keep you posted here for the benefit of all, and by email, in case you haven't been here lately...I WILL get a response directly from MS on this issue.
  6. Bartonion

    IE5 French and Windows 2000

    just read the manual and yes you can install multilang programs.
  7. Bartonion

    IE5 French and Windows 2000

    If you go back into add\remove programs\setup there is multilanguage support available as an install option.I dont see any reason why you couldnt go french IE5...
  8. Bartonion

    How i install openGL for win2k ?

    Have tried reinstalling the game AFTER loading the new ref drivers? worked with my C-Ultra TNT2.
  9. Bartonion


    Call 1-888-219-1310 to order it but it cost like 50 bucks or so...RC1 is now available.
  10. Bartonion

    Only 60Hz refresh rate in games

    Never mind ...the word "here" was not noticably highlighted. I guess I need to change my color scheme. THANKS
  11. Bartonion

    Only 60Hz refresh rate in games

    Hey CM, where is here? I looked under downloads and dont see it! And I just tried HzTool 1.04 under win2k and it said it does not work under NT.
  12. Bartonion

    How do you get ride of the version # at the bottom of the sc

    You can also use TweakUi to shut it off
  13. Bartonion

    v770 ultra tnt2 Help with Drivers

    i have a seattle intel se440bx-2 mb with 384 megs ram, pci v3 2000(secondary)32meg Creative Ultra tnt2(primary),dxr2 decoder card, dual boot win98se win2k 2031 and all is working great!Im also running the Hauppage tv tuner!I guess now is the time to add my second machine to the line up!Adsl gets hooked up Tuesday!Killer...
  14. Bartonion

    USB Configuration.

    try disabling PnP in the bios...
  15. Bartonion

    v770 ultra tnt2 Help with Drivers

    Nvidia has posted zipped tnt2 drivers for nt5 that work just fine with my creative ultra tnt2.The file to search for is:TNT_NT5_188.zip.