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Everything posted by JimmyK

  1. JimmyK

    ata raid performance question

    this is one of the first reviews I found If I stumble over other ones Ill post them as well. http://nospin.com/2000_02/009.html
  2. JimmyK

    ata raid performance question

    Id unno the asnwers to the posted question but I wanted to mentioned that in actuality the proimse is not the better one. Check any copmarison review and the Hot Rod performs better and plus lower CPU utilization. I like saving cpu cycles every single place I can, thats a big plus for me.
  3. JimmyK

    Dual Os

    Having partitions is mainly for protection. For example say you have 4 partitions. 2 Partitions are used for OS's 1 for apps and games 1 one for MP3's and videos and as we all know hard drives can go bad and get corrupted quite frequently. But with seperate partitions you will most probably only lose 1 partition and the other 3 will be intact. Plus they can be different formats IE your win2k isntallation can be on a NTFS partition making it much more secure and customizable, while ur 9X based operating system is installed on the default fat32 format. Those are the main advantages.
  4. JimmyK

    thinking about abandoning my intel

    Cheers DosFreak! vp6 Dual Gigahertz GTS2 AGP 4x with Fastwrites, no problems, and tons of beautiful performance
  5. JimmyK

    thinking about abandoning my intel

    by the way ur 800 is plenty fast why do u want more? I know ur not having any slow downs or anything in ur games, go get a huge 22 inch monitor or something, now thats an upgrade. Honestly my huge monitor was the best upgrade I ever did.
  6. JimmyK

    thinking about abandoning my intel

    inferno for 550 u can get a dual PIII gigahertz system, thats only 20 bucks more then your afore mentioned 530. Im running dual 700e's which I bought from pcnut.com at 1 gigahertz or clsoe enough at least !! all for 550. they gaurantee them at 933 but with somewhat decent cooling u'll get DUAL 1 GIGAHERTZ runnin flawless.
  7. JimmyK

    Another choice, I think I asked this once already

    gow ith voodoo3 ONLY because of str8 performance. Someone said the colors are better I belive that to be incorrect. The TNT is based on the same core as all the new nvidia cards, and it's 32 bit image/color quality is unsurpassed let alone paralleled by any 3dfx card. To be honest Iv never used a v3 but I did use a voodoo banshee, monster 1 and a monster 2, and their colors were no where close to the tnt1 that I upgraded to back then. Maybe I shouldnt be claiming the tnt colors to be better, but if the v3 is the same core as the older voodoos then it cannot be better.
  8. doh!! none of my timedemos work now, I havent updated it since the initial release I wonder how much my performance will jump. please tell me what the console command is I can not do the demos via the on screen menu system. thanks fellas.
  9. JimmyK

    3dmark2000, whats the deal?

    HI Jdul, I remember that name from 3dfiles.com. actually thats my old signature Im running: DUAL PIII 966's now with a Asus V7700 Deluxe Geforce GTS2and RAID 0 2x IBM GXP's 20 giggers Hey fellas I just heard that we hsould try the 6.47 drivers there is supposedly a huge boost in 3dmark scores with that. Im downloading them right now, Ill keep u fellas posted. [This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 05 January 2001).]
  10. JimmyK

    3dmark2000, whats the deal?

    durr Im slow, Im getting around 3500 marks dont remember exactly cuz Im not at home right now.
  11. JimmyK

    Why is DirectX so slow in Win2k?

    to be honest its hard to compare numbers because there are so many different variables that go into making a system. Just the kind of ram u have can make a freaking 15% difference, thats huge!!! I have a couple installations of win2k, my primary, a backup with all the pertinent software and utillties, and a clean isntall I use for testing and benchmarking. Primary install dx7 = slower then win98 and on par with other win2k boxs. clean install dx8 = just as fast and faster in games compared to 98. spanks my dx7 performance in win2k. I havent toyed with whistleryet, no time to install it yet.
  12. JimmyK

    You guys gotta help!

    no offense but only use NAV. NEVER use any of its other crap like norton utillities and system works. It literally melds itself with ur OS. It totally hacks up ur registry first of all, and secondly I feel that over all it slows down ur box because of all that added baggage. Many of us have had to find out the hard way not to use the extra Norton baggage, luckily I avoided it by listening to the forums and anandtech/agn3d/and 3dfiles. Its obviously a hard-drive issue. If I was you I would write off the mp3's, do a low level format and hope that u dont have any permanent/physical damage on any of the platters.
  13. JimmyK

    Need a Win2k Webcam quickly.

    Iv got the 3com homeconenct. It might not be the cheapest but the best rarely is. if you want reviews goto cnet and check it out, its imagine quality is leaps and bounds above anything out there, or it was when I bought it 4 months ago.
  14. JimmyK

    Why won't my HP Deskjet 722C Print?

    Goto HP's website ad download/isntall the new drivers. I hooked up over 430 computers at work this summer adn the main problems would be outdated drivers with everything from video cards to printers.
  15. anybody got a bp6 with a geforce gts2? I just heard that it doesnt work. I am praying its a rumor, but I just figured I would ask you fellas.
  16. JimmyK

    anybody got a bp6 with a geforce gts2?

    HEy thx for the response. Im curious though, how did u know 2x didnt work? are there some symptoms I should be expecting? or any wanring signs that the 2x is casuing the problem and nothing else? I jsut ordered a v7700 deluxe and I really dont want to disable 2x agp. thx again
  17. JimmyK

    Printing problems...

    it sounds like bad drivers thats all. are they beta?
  18. JimmyK

    Searching for the best Geforce2

    This site isnt the best place to find that answer check: www.agn3d.com www.anadtech.com www.sharkyextreme.com www.hardocp.com
  19. JimmyK

    Help-I gave up on Win2000-went back to Win98

    anything overclocked? What kind of harddrive configuration? are any of ur hardddrives running off a attached pci ata66 controller?
  20. JimmyK

    Remote Storage File

    HAHAAH good stuff Im surpridsed that the problem is still there after a full reinstall. I must admit I do not know what you can do to remedy the problem, it sure is a persistent SOB if it stuck around aftera reinstall. Maybe its some hardware problem, which doesnt make any sense, especially if u did a totally fresh isntall and it was still there, I dont know what else it could be. just pretend its not there.... =)
  21. JimmyK

    Remote Storage File

    hehe and Im glad ur up to date on the Austin Powers terminology
  22. JimmyK

    Remote Storage File

    To be perfectly honest I dont know. But I have an idea. Either you installed something and then deleted it manually, so its still in the registry trying to throw it into "remote storage", but it cant find anything. Second, your "remote storage" which is defined like ur virtual memory is not configured properly or win2k isnt designating it any space. Im tired, and Im not explaining this properly, but u might want to try doing a repair installation. Ill post again tomorrow after my exam, hopefully Ill be a wee bit more coherent then.
  23. JimmyK

    Remote Storage File

    Its "Throw me a FRIGGIN bone here!!!" but we will skip the execution this time Im guessing ur running server and not workstation? here u go: An application used to automatically move infrequently accessed files from local storage to remote storage. Remote files are recalled automatically upon user request when the file is opened.
  24. hey fellas Im having a rather disgusting hardware conflict a friend of mine tried to rewrite one of the graphics libraries for the firegl fromd iamond. anyways it worked for him and not me. I remember there was a dos command something forward slash, if u know it please tell me, I searched the forums but couldnt locate it.
  25. JimmyK

    Dual Monitor

    plug in an agp vid card plug in a pci vid card, make sure the card can do multimonitoring most good pci cards can do it flawlessly. Even many crappy ones. Select boot off agp in ur bios if thats what u want, and ur good to go, same thing in win2k. jsut goto display properties and choose both monitors, tahts about all it takes