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Everything posted by JimmyK

  1. JimmyK

    What's With Freakin OpenGL?

    yeah I do agre with Eddie, lets just drop these complaints we are having with win2k until a month or 2 (minimum) after its release. I understand having questions and needing help with something, but there are much better ways to go about it then bigb's initial post. We all have to start being more diplomatic as well (and yes I am counting myself ) before nt compatible has the largest suicide rate of all the forums.
  2. JimmyK

    Newbie Question from the IRC channel

    here ducky ducky ducky ducky *shotgun cocking* here ducky ducky ducky
  3. JimmyK

    A good dual PIII mobo ...

    awaxx, waht do u want to use this computer for? is it for personal use? if yes what kind?
  4. JimmyK

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    Spree, 2 things first of all ur friend sounds like a total goof if he can only squeeze out 15 fps at 8x6 in UT with a tnt2. Secondly on a P3 550, in q3a with NORMAL settings at 1024x768 (this is NOT highquality) a 3dfx voodoo 2000 gets 36.2 fps, Im not sure how u squeezed an extra 20+ percent out of it. And you cant even run the thing on high quality cuz it doesnt support 32 bit color.
  5. JimmyK

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    Look for reviews, we can only recommend so much. I have 3 boxs in my room, a dual 550 my win2k box, a single 550 my win 98 box and a dual 233 another win2k box. I got my tnt2ultra, from ValueAmerica for 75 dollars, and a old tnt1 (which are both in my dual 550), and I got my voodoo 3 3000 (which is in my single 550 98 box), and a 3dx banshee in my dual 233 box. From personal experince, I like my tnt2ultra a lot more. After a while FPS just dont matter to me (who cares if I can get 200 fps in q2 at 64x480, u know??), I like visual quality, and 3dfx just cant provide it sadly . I always loved 3dfx, but they have not been up to par. My ideal res is 1024x768 and getting 64+ fps. And the tnt2ultra just does a faster and much better looking job then my 3dfx card I have tweaked q2 out totally visually for my ultra and my 3dfx based card, but man even in q2 the ultra just looks better, and whne it comes to quake3 with 32 bit color dont get me started . look at any of the reviews man, comparing all the cards, 3dfx just kinda isnt up to par so far. The VSA-100 cards maybe good, BUT once again they seems to be based on high fill-rate and POSSIBLY nothing special in features. What good is 300 fps in 640x80 if u cant enjoy hi quality graphics. But so far the VAS-100 based 3d cards do look somewhat promising, nobody can turn away froma 1.5 gigapixels fill rate.....
  6. JimmyK


    ohh man, I jsut came back from a test, I was kind of down, but god dang, u all are some funny SOB's. Im gettign watery eyed here. Im smiling from ear to ear, this hoenst to god has to be just the funniest post. I mean subject matter aside (forget about wahts right or wrong), just reading it as a third party its funny as nutz. I guess ur right bigb, heh we shouldnt get so worked up. and ur right I have a confession, I paid 4,324 that is four thousand three hundred and twenty four dollars, for a packard bell p100 with 16 megs of ram, and a 2.1 gig drive. and I didint know squat about comptuers. BUT with tinkering and playing around I learned a lot, I didnt expect/want to be spoon fed answers by people on forums, like many people are now a days. hehe Im still having a good laugh about all this. You all are a bunch of comedians, and Eddie, I knwo what ur saying man, I got frustrated the first time I figured out what was really going on witht his post, but bigb is right, to many people are duped into buying something cuz its "bigger and badder" u know what my father just bought? an 9,000 dollar laptop and docking station with 22" inch monitor. Its top of the line Ill tell u that much, with space for pci expansion and everything, BUT my dad cant even use home row keys or type more then a 25 words a minute. But thats what he wanted for his "arc view" and "cad" programs, who was I to argue, and he didint even consult me because he knew Id tell him to do something else, instead he called up some "professionals" and said he wanted a powerful laptop to run everything and have a docking station. they said anywhere from 5,000 to 12,000 dollars and they said the 9,000 dollar system would run everything flawlessly, so he got it. its got a dvd player over 160 emgs of ram my father said, hi end PIII processor and what not. so after all my babbling u se bigb was right hehe that iq thing was pretty funny as well, u all are just killin me here....
  7. JimmyK

    Help, I can fix my prob but it comes back?

    weird?!?!?! ur having an irq conflict man !!! its even telling u now u got the asnwer goodluck
  8. good lor dI hope u didint delete all of those. I dont know what level newbie you are so if Im not descriptive enough please tell me and Ill try to elaborate more. WIn2k when its up[censored]/installing it should tell u what its about to install: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lounge/6024/Images/up[censored]_drivers.jpg I took some quick screen caps to help ya along. NOw that file that is listed is called oem1.inf and is lcoated in x:\winnt\inf\ directory. Delete the oem1.inf and the oem1.pnf file manually by going to the directory and doing it. then click back on taht same screen, and specify location again. hope u get it.
  9. JimmyK

    NEW TNT drivers!! v3.75

    I didit read any of the previous posts but for me 3.69 works flawlessly.
  10. are u evens ure it installed them in the beginning? man people get confused because it just reinstalls their old drivers and they thing it installed the new ones. Delte the old inf/pnf files in ur winnt\inf\ directory.
  11. JimmyK

    multimon: tnt2 + s3 virge/vx

    are u checking for irq conflicts? or other sharing violations? yes my tnt2ultra -agp with my tnt1 -pci seems to work flawlessly.
  12. JimmyK

    plustek opticpro 9636p

    are u sure? my 9630P worked flawlessly back in the day. I just used the twain drivers. give us a run-down, what kinda scanner is it? scuzzi,usb, or parallel, we need to know these things, its a pain for us to find the manufactureres website, then locate the scanner and what not when uv got the basics with u. thank you.
  13. Hiya fellas, Some of us have beent alking about it and figured it would be a good idea to include system specs in our signatures. Below is what I jsut did kinda quickly, but I wanted us to discuss exactly what we should include, like whats pertinent. I was not sure if harddrive and cdrom configurations were important? If we should list our harddrive and cdrom configs, should we also include what channel and controller they are on? try to keep them simple and dont complicate it, by getting to specific (like bragging) ie: 320 megs of crucial memory which can handle 133 fsb just say 320 ram if ur vid cards at default clock speed then dotn say anything if it is overclocked Ithin we should just do: TNT2U 175/210 agp well this is all very preliminary, but lets get it together and come up with something good clean and simple.
  14. lol thats pretty damn funny Baz I was tempted fellas trust me I dont mind helping a friend out for evena few hours, cuz heck I like tinkering with comps, but man stuff like that realy kicks my ass.
  15. ISgh I guess this isnt going to work, Iv seen to many new/even old gumbas/dweebs/goofs/goons posting, and not even leaving an inkling of an idea with us what their systems are other then vid cards at the most. And then they ask for troubleshooting help. *sigh* I worked with this freaking moron for a few hours at least and kept on askign him what his mobo and other stuff was, and he said he wasnt sure but was POSITIVE it was all compatible, so we tried everything from old drivers to reinstalls. I finally went over to the guys house and do u know what he had in his box? an alladin Ali V motherboard, which has a knwon instability with a tnt2 card. I mean can u imagine? Hes lucky I wasnt at home and in reach of my shotgun.
  16. 18 lcd? DAMN!! boy u got to much loot with u u can buy a small car with that screen
  17. JimmyK

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    I get that Dr.watson error only when I dont use 3.69 I dont know what else to tell you, but I hate saying ur doing something wrong only thing I can recommend is install a clean copy of win2k on another harddrive which really only takes 30 to 45 minutes and use 3.69 drivers. I always have at least 3 copys of win2k installed it makes it much easier to trouble shoot and test new hardware. HAving 3 differnet installations only takes up about a 1 to 1.5 gigs and we all have like 20-60 gigs on our comptuers so its def. worth it.
  18. JimmyK

    Can I Upgrade from DX7 to DX7a

    firstly u do understand that win2k and win9x are 2 totally different operatin systems correct? and if thats true then obviously if you download software drivers for specifically windows9x its not going to work in win2k. You cant put a fords carb into a chevy.
  19. JimmyK

    Wierd distorted sound problem in Q3A!?!??!

    maybe u should tel us what sound card you have and not video card? try changing the quality of the sound via the meus in q3a, they may yield some answers.
  20. JimmyK

    Half-life opposing force cdkey needed

    does this look like a warez site to you? please buy the game or something.
  21. JimmyK

    Games and SMP

    faz, try setting the r_smp 1 command in ur config file whcih is located in ur baseq3 folder, and is called q3config.cfg then start up q3a and see how it runs. Dont change the setting though while ur in the game. If I dont change the settings it works flawlessly for me. NO matter what I use r_smp1 or 0, if I change it in the cfg it seems to work.
  22. JimmyK

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    EM, u forgot the most important thing for these 3 fellas here having the problem, what driver version? Supposeldy only 3.69 drivers work for SoF. I tried it myself and it came to be true on my setup as well. Im using a tnt2u, and with 3.75 I got a drwatson error, at the load screen and it would jsut exit, but with 3.69 it works flawlessly every time. the 3.69 drivers are available from chams site: http://win2kbox.cjb.net/
  23. JimmyK

    UT and TNT2 Ultra

    Im a first timer here at the softtware forum, Im usually on the hardware side. I do not know how proficient some of you are in win2k/comptuers in general so forgive me if this sounds basic. Many of the people Iv been helping arent REALLY installing the new drivers they think they are but in actuality they are using the same old inf files in there x:\winnt\inf\ directory. You must first delete those liek it says in the readme.txt. [OT] Me and a few other guys here, are beta testers for MS and have the final version of win2k, and the drivers work without fault almost for us. Dont expect soem new all wonderful patch that will make it start working. If the above advice doesnt work, or you already know taht post again and we well go from there.
  24. JimmyK

    Troubles with TNT1 @ 1024x786 res

    eww one single line eh? well that doesnt sound "healthy" at all you know it seems u have exhausted ur options, uv tried different drivers, uknow the comp supports it because it works in 98, we kno its not refresh rate, I recommend 2 things. IS it pci pr agp? goto device manger uninstall the card remove it from tis pci slot put it in another reboot and reinstall newest drivers. if that dont work: Do a repair/reinstall of win2k. If u have space do a clean install and try the vid card again if it works THEN do a repair/reinstall over ur currecnt version.
  25. heh my friend I think u missed thewhole point we were trying to put our rigs in our signatures, and wanting everybody to do the same, so when they asked a question, we had a decent amount of basic background information. Secondly ur using 1280 on a 21 inch monitor? good lord man Im running 1600x1200 on both my 19 inch monitors right now