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Everything posted by JimmyK

  1. JimmyK

    Geforce 256 & OpenGL in W2K

    well whats the problem, gotta be more specific, does it freeze up? blue screen of death? game trys to start but exits, game trys to start refreshes monitor and then exits, screen goes blank like the signal has stopped but the computer still seems to be running fine? do you get some kinda of critical error? waht d3d games areu trying to test with it? what opengl games are u testing with it? have u checked dxdiag? need info when u goto ur display adapter in device manager, and goto version waht is it 3.64 right?
  2. I have an ide burner, and I can play qaake2, behold the beauty of smp
  3. JimmyK

    Build 2194!

    no wya> I jsut checked that 18 hours ago and there was nothing, good find
  4. JimmyK

    Need help with SCSI devices and other stuff :)

    oh yeah another thing just cause MS is using it doesnt mean thats the best they got money to throw around anyways. Like you said they use a 3com nicks, but 3com are elite, but there are many other elite nic card companies, I cant remember them but Ill look around and come back and post them. I know intel also makes good nic cards.
  5. JimmyK

    Need help with SCSI devices and other stuff :)

    heh this one Im going to have to disagree with you one Yuppie, with adaptec all ur paying for is the name.... I got 3 suite mates all got scuzzi 1 has a tekram u2w and the other 2 have adaptecs. They all work fine and very similiar if not exact performance. plus the tekram has a faster bootup then the identical adaptec. thats a well known fact plsu I got 3 fellas here to compare with. Anyways the tekram phone support may not be as good as adaptecs (im not sure about this but I think it isnt, that extra 100-150 dollars u pay most probably goes into a lil better phone support) but they have better drivers. I gotta disagree with some stuff u said. When my friend got his tekram he got it because the adaptecs drivers for 98 were VERY buggy and the tekram had much better drivers.. thats why he went with the tekram, plus the exact same adaptec model was $100-160 us dollars more. Khan
  6. JimmyK

    Need help with SCSI devices and other stuff :)

    get a tekram I got a guy running a tekram u2w scuzzi card its EXACTLY the same performance as the adaptec (which is the top of the line) and half the price. hes got 1 plextor 8x burner to it, 1 true pletor 40x cdrom, 4 x 9.1 10k scuzzi drives. its runs beautifully
  7. JimmyK

    Not a hardware question, but..

    haha u dog ur right, making me look like a balloon full of hot air haha good stuff bro but seriously dont do that [This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 07 December 1999).]
  8. JimmyK

    Not a hardware question, but..

    doh double post [This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 07 December 1999).]
  9. JimmyK

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    hehe okay back to the biggest point the sdr version do, do the 480 mps fill rate thats the whole thing quad pipeline, thats part of the geforce technology. I mean for crying out loud the tnt2 does more then 240 check nvidias site. Im telling you it has a fill rate of 480 mps... I dont think you really know the difference betweed sdr and ddr do ya? let me explain it just incase ur a lil misinformed. the ddr is better/faster ram. At higher resolutions with SDR ram ur limited by the memory bandwidth not FILLRATE. Now the DDr ram has pretty much no actual limitations get it bud? below is just a summary of what I said above. sdr = a memory bandwidth limitation ddr = no real limitation the problem with sdr is if u wanna play 1024 X 768 X 32 bit you are limited by memory bandwidth ddr uses ddr ram thus no limitation Okay yes the gpu does free up a lil processor usage but ONLY for opengl games, NO direct 3d games as of now have any kind of support for T&l. Unless the game is written natively for dx7 which has support for hardware t&l, but the game requires extra coding to use T&l with dx7. Meaning only opengl games are taking a limited usage of it, the d3d games arent. Oh yeah, if the onboard GPU is properly used oh man its going ot be all over. We will be able to focus mad amounts of processor cycles to AI and other good stuff like that. The fillrate is also dependant on the GPU not only the main processor. Better use of the GPU yileds much higher fillrate usage. So if you had a game that took total pure 100% gpu power all ud need is about 20-30 percent of your normal cpu to power the game and the rest would be allocated to other goodies such as AI, sound, etc. hehe yeah this is by far the longest thread here
  10. JimmyK

    Not a hardware question, but..

    yeah its in your administrator tools which is located in ur startmenu/programs if it isnt listed there then that means u have to do the following: goto START SETTINGS TASKBAR & START MENU once there select the ADVANCED tab at the bottom of that window scroll around till you find DISPLAY ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS check that box, save/close/apply whatever then go back to START PROGRAMS ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS COMPUTER MANAGEMENT in computer management select STORAGE expand that and then select DISK MANAGEMENT voila there u are
  11. JimmyK

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    Once again I dont mean to be an ass and I apologize if I sounded like one. I just have 3 things in life, college, computers, and the gym, so Im a lil harsh when I think something concerning my 3 things is a little misrepresented . here read some reviews. http://www.agn.com/html/agn3d-search_display.cfm?ArticleID=18652
  12. JimmyK

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    Bro, your right I should apologize for my first comment, my mistake. But man again there are many misinformed coomments in ur last post as well. I dont mean to be condescneding or rude at all I apologize if I am but its the truth 1. "The fillrate of gforces available now is 240Mps, unless someone has released the ddr version of the geforce and I happened not to notice." http://www.digital-clips.com/Hardware/Reviews/CLGeForce256/rev02.htm "Peak fill rate of 480 million bilinear filtered, multi-textured pixels per second " and that is the SDR version NOT the DDR. I mean for gods sake the TNT2's fill rate is around 250-300 million bilinear filtered, multi-textured pixels per second. 2."The geforce I agree is not fillrate limited or is less fillrate limited then other cards, due to the fact that everything is handled by the gforces cpu. " If you are referring to the onboard GPU you are wrong again. That is mainly for T&L, while T&L is implemented into all opengl coding, not to the extent that would deliver the proper usage of the geforces onboard GPU. If a game was to properly use the GPU processor it would yield 5!!! times the performance of a tnt2ultra. For current games the processor is hit just as hard by the geforce as the tnt2u. If you had taken the least amount of time to look at the link I gave you. YOu have noticed when the onboard GPU was being used there was a 480%!!!! increase in performance over the tnt2u. now thats phenomenol. The large increase is only there because that benchmark takes advantage of the GPU properly. With current games where no "special" advantage is taken there is about a 20-80 percent increase in performance. But still because of the geforces monster fillrate/quad pipeline the faster ur processor the betteer ur performance is going to be. 3. They arent guesses, if its being limited at 1024x768 at 50 fps (the tnt2u) that obviously means that it doest matter what cpu u have. I mean if you have ap3 600 or a athlon 750 your getting the same perofrmance because the card is limited. Now my geforce number is only applicable to the athlon 700 because that is the fastest processor that has been used in geforce benchmarks. But it is still not fill rate limited with a athhy 700.... 4. "The geforce can probably pull the 80 on any machine, I would agree with that. As for saying that you have to have a hi end system to meet a graphics cards fillrate limit. This is true for the last generation of graphics cards, but the gforce doesn't have this problem." Sorry bro but thats wrong again, I partially explained that above taking about the GPU. NO GAME up to date has taken any special use of the GPU. ANd if q3a did you would be getting around 180+ fps on ur rig witha geforce. I hope u understood my correction of comment #4 if not Ill repost and be more specific.
  13. JimmyK

    Quake3/Win2k/TnT2 ultra??

    Ill be a monkeys uncle, mad props to morto, I jsut played q3 at 1024x768 with smp and over 60 fps. all Id id was change that nvogl with the 3.53 one.. Im in shock I cant belive it worked. cheers
  14. JimmyK

    Quake3/Win2k/TnT2 ultra??

    morto a version number would help. NVidias site has 3.53 and Iv already tried those they dont work....
  15. JimmyK

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

  16. JimmyK

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    good lord I cant belive this discussion has gone on this long and nobody with some actauly knowledge has come up. good lord there is so much to say I dont think if I have enough pateince or time to say it all... You or NOT fillrate limited with that geforce or the tnt2 at 1024x768...... not with ur system at least with a tnt2u at 1024x768you can get around 50 fps with a geforce u can get about 80. You have to have a hi end system to meet a graphics card fillrate especially when its at 480. Smp in q3 can give u a 15-80 percent performance boost using smp depending on the scene that is being rendered. Just because u got a dual 550 dont think enabling smp in q3 will give u a 1100 mhz worth of power being directed to q3a. It would be nice if it was coded like that but it jsut isnt. Check ur cpu usage in taksmanager when q3a is running in smp ull notice they are nowhere close to being maxed out. The usage will get much higher in intense fire fights with lotsa models on the screen and particles. 3dfx cards CANNOT!! do smp because they do not have an actual opengl ICD. they got that gheto minigl stuff going on. Ivv been very brief and concise, when I have more time Ill write more, I must go now.
  17. JimmyK

    Quake3/Win2k/TnT2 ultra??

    Iv had this program with 3.52,3.53,3.56,3.64 as well
  18. JimmyK

    Quake3/Win2k/TnT2 ultra??

    I have the EXACT same problem, with a similiar system. Dual 550's with tnt2 and 3.64 rc3 its killing me, but I do not have any 9x os on my system.
  19. JimmyK

    G400 & Adaptec EasyCD4 don't mix

    Iv been having issues in general with Adaptec 4 deluxe. So I reverted back to adaptec 3.5c, it seems to work flawless on my system. I tried Adaptec EZ 4 deluxe with all builds from rc1 and up. It was horrible on rc1 and rc2, better on rc3 but still not flawless, lotsa of crashes and system hangs.
  20. not even a .01 performance increase in all opengl games and applications. Did not test d3d performance. BUT I did notice an improvement in stability. every time I notice any kind of crash, concerning sound, video card, software, I try to write it down somewhere. My system would halt and crash with some games while changing their resolution and color depth while in game. And I retested those games and now no crash or blue screen. I still hade some issues with unreal BUT the system did not crash and I Was able to kill it using the taskmanager. It only happened once though I tried to duplicate the problem again but it worked flawlessly the second time. gimme ur feedback as well fellas it helps when I write up these RC reports.
  21. JimmyK

    I tested/installed the new det drivers 3.64

    rogue get power strip, they got one out for win2k. www.3dfiles.com on the left hand column goto utilities and ull find it, its simple
  22. JimmyK

    I tested/installed the new det drivers 3.64

    Good looking out there Cham. Im running it on build 2176 and rc3 they seem to work much better for me then the older versions. Sorry to hear about ur bad expereince fellas, hope I didint cause to much trouble with ur box's. Khan
  23. JimmyK

    I tested/installed the new det drivers 3.64

    doh! I figured they were old cuz I just got back in from thanksgiving and saw them on the first site I went to.. sorry bout that for win2k go here version 3.64 http://www.3dchipset.com/beta/W2k-364.zip for win9x go here versio 3.62 http://www.3dchipset.com/beta/W9x-362.zip
  24. JimmyK

    dual processors help???

    Carver is exactly right. Are you running a giga-byte board by any chance?
  25. JimmyK

    Build 2183 will be RC3

    Well it doesnt look any different then rc2 or build 2176. It runs very simliar. Still having compatibility issues with hardware that didnt work IE: Sigma Hollywood+ decoder HotRod 66 controller with an ide 33/66 WD drive Bt848 chipset tv tuner card I automatically updated my drivers with 3.53 for my tnt I shoulda tested it first to see if d3d worked before I updated.. doh! I would upload it to an ftp but Im leaving for home tomorrow for thanksgiving, so if somebody emaiuls me tonight Ill upload it but after tha tIll be gone for a week. later fellas.