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Everything posted by JimmyK

  1. JimmyK

    My First AMD System!

    Price performance NO COMPARISON between AMD and intel this is a 5 month old system with mobo/processors for a total of 294 dollars (MSI-K7D 2x 1700+ OEM with $14 dolalr SK-7's heatsink/fans). NOT A SINGLE! intel PC even now 5 MONTHS LATER out there that can touch this for even double the price. My dad has a p4 3.06 HT from dell downstairs which is nice but for my multitasking uses it just doesnt cut it. Plus it was WAYY to expensive. Im not an AMD fan this is my 1st AMD system, here are my previous setups Dual 233 MMX Intel Tyan Thunder s1456D Dual 550 Intel BP6 Dual 933 Intel VP6 now Dual 3000 AMD K7D
  2. VERY VERY VERY frustrating HOW do I get that line back in the bottom of the window. Look at the circled part in the image.
  3. U R DA MAN! as foolish as I feel and as simnple as that was THANK YOU. good lookin man thx
  4. Im running XP by the way right now
  5. Hey fellas title says it all, Iv been away from my favorite forum for ages, but last time I was here the best sound card for 2k was the SB-PCI-128 they had the LIVE! out but none of the features worked ( b/c of bad drivers) so it was worthelss, now there is so much new sound hardware out, whats the best and that works flawless with win2k? thx fellas!
  6. Awsome!!! Thats great to hear, Actually when I was exiting my total nerd phase the GTXP was just on the horizon, but I heard people that were using the GTXP were also having huge problems using the EAX3D with duallie systems which is what I got. so you guys are both saying that the audigy and GTXP work flawlessly with win2k and many if not all the features are present and working?? if it makes a diff I got a VP6 with dual gigahertz that I got a year and half ago, so Im guessing its going to be 1st revision vp6. heck Im not sure how these things work now-a-days do they even have diff revision mobos out there? all input appreciated
  7. Hey Alecstar I for one loved your post and do appreciate it VERY much unlike these other people. Dont pay them any attention, its dorks like them that make other people shy about posting good stuff like this, cuz they are scared that these policing dorks will start thread sh1tting like they have here. edit its not all about "respodning" to the post its about educating the rest of us, I would have never come across this great post if It wasnt here today.
  8. JimmyK

    Problems with Asus V7700 deluxe capturing

    hmmm veeeery interesting my friend... Im thinking but nothings coming to me just yet.... oh what about this. The card has to be dedicated to doing one thing at a time I heard. R u sure ur not utilizing an the other features on the card at the same time? For example if Im playing a 3d game and I start another 3d game by mistake they will both work with full 3d hardware acceleration but both are choppy as hell. Lemme thnk about it and Ill try to get back to u soon.
  9. JimmyK

    Problems with Asus V7700 deluxe capturing

    sure I got the solution for you its simple. you have either not selected the right compression or any at all for that matter and your trying to capture at to high of a resolution for your computer to keep up with it. Here lemme find u the link for the divx comrpession. Im guessing your somewhat new to video capturing so trust me when I tell you that DIVX is the best compression algorithim on the market it spanks anything asus or anybody else has. http://go.to/doom9
  10. JimmyK


    no I def agree with the duallie thing. But once AMD gets estalished as a stable dual processor system ohh man.... I cant wait for dual 2 gigahertz with that crazy fpu that AMD has. for now though my dual 1 gig PIIIs are it.
  11. JimmyK

    Sounblaster PCI128 + Win2k Pro Problem.

    There are 2 basic kinds of PCI128's that are based on 2 different chips actually. If you could tell us what chipset it is based on, IT would be a bit easier to help you with your problem.
  12. sigh I guess AMD here i come .. sh1t man I just dropped 600 bones on this dual p3 gigahertz sysmte.. oh well.. its tehcnology and yes it is a 1.53 dual athlon system below. [This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 04 February 2001).]
  13. well now that we got more info earliest its coming out is q3 2001, and its not the athlons it is the palaminos I belive. oh well now Im happy again
  14. JimmyK

    Looking for a monitor

    the way trinitrons work well I thought this is the way the larger ones worked but I guess it carries to the 17inch monitors as well. Like my 21 inch diamondtron monitor (same as triniton) to get the crisp bright HI quality image they use 3 firing tubes instead of 1. In the areas that the different firing tubes connect the image is a very fine line. Iv had this 21 incher for a month or 2 now and I dont even notice the lines unless I specifically look for it.
  15. enable udma via ur device manager under disk controllers.
  16. Eddie come on now man, no need to get nasty for no reason. Computers are my hobby/support system, I unlike many other users dont just use comptuers for gaming, browsing, and stocks, it supports my active and frivilous lifestyle, so I dont mind pouring a few dollars into it. I really dont appreciate ur empty comments though. that is kinda funny though that Iv been here 6 months longer then u have and yet u have 3 times my posts, but still you tell me to get a life.. oh well to each his own I say. Cheers fellas and to u as well Eddie [This message has been edited by JimmyK (edited 06 February 2001).]
  17. JimmyK

    3dmark2000, whats the deal?

    hey fellas have any of u used 3dmark 2000 to benchmark ur system? how come the scores are so terribly low compared to a 9X based operating system?
  18. BAH! Dosfreak by next Christmas we'll be pimping dual 2.5 - 3.0 gigahertz I bet... wonder what Im gonan do with this dual pIII gigahertz then.... but come on fellas you have to appreciate the sheer amount of power that is being displayed in that benchmark. Lets not have sour grapes cuz we dont have it.
  19. err SHS, the point is not whats fair and what isnt, the point is who can give us the most performance. right now I have a dual 1.02 gig PIII it is pretty much the king of the hill right now in raw performance, but once these dual AMD mobos come out they are gonna SPANK IT. Hopefully by that time intel will have something newer and better out. Im personally happy about this new informaiton, more competitoin means more new tech stuff and lower prices...
  20. JimmyK

    OS system size?

    whoa something def is outta whack here. first of all you apps are NEVER by default installed in x:\winnt\ but isntead are installed in x:\program files\ Not including my swap file (I dunno why you would include ur swap file in such a comparison because ur swap can be anywhere from 10 megs to a Gig+, so it totally throws everything off) its a 1.1 GB installation. Maybe a very stripped installtion of win2k u could get a 600 MB installation, BUT ur dll cache folder alone is usually around 200 megs and ur zips and cab files (w/ sp1) should be around 50-90 megs. My sp1 uninstallation folder is around 200 megs. All the above mentioned items are NOT necessary for running win2k and they alone total up to around 500 megs.... DOH! bursar I just re-read ur reply, you nailed it on the head. Bursar's reply is exactly correct. but teachum if that is a clean install of 1.15 gigs maybe u have ur swap file in there somewhere....
  21. JimmyK

    Guys How well would this system run Win2k pro?

    hey bud, yeah throw some win2k action on that, heck if u make it an NTFS partition u might even get better performance, and u know ur gonna get much better security and reliability with a NTFS partition, but yeah u might wanna think about upping that ram to a minimum of 256. BUT 192 will do VERY nicely.
  22. JimmyK

    I will KA266-r problems

    hmm thats odd so your saying you did enable the first boot device as the raid controller correct? And its still not working? do you have a proper boot sector installed on the drives that are hanging on the raid controller? I mean if you totally unhook the normal ide channel drives will it THEN boot off the raid controller? or does it give u a NON-SYSTEM-DISK error? if it gives you the above error that means you dont have a boot sector installed on that drive u want to boot off of.
  23. JimmyK

    SP1 - Will *it* happen again ?!

    To be honest this seems to be a random occurance. It hardly ever happens but when it does its usually just a one time thing. You mentioned in your post that you were having a system hang at the peripheral intialization screen. In the future you might want to try to disable everything you can in your bios and rip out all ur pci and isq peripherals other then your display adapter of course. Did you try loading it up via "Last known Good Configuration" that has saved my arse many a times. Then offcoruse there is the repair installation. Did you try all of these if yes and you were still unsuccesful then I would be hesitant of trying sp1 again. you know what, its simple just make a ghost copy of your OS drive and back it up somwhere on another one of your partitions. Preferrably the fat32 partition. Because if you have to restore the ghost via a dos based application I dont think it will see the NTFS file. cheers
  24. JimmyK

    Hot CPU Tester

    by the way if it does end up working on my dual rig, I def. think this is quite a cool program. cheers.
  25. JimmyK

    Hot CPU Tester

    im trying it on my dual gigahertz machine but when I check my task manager it says Im only using 50% and not 100%, I cant find any options to enable it to do do multiple processors.