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About JonRico

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  1. JonRico

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    I agree with your results entirely. Its what I would expect. Still not seen any results with a GeForce in SMP so I will be very interested in your next post. Is the card a DDR? I dont think you will see much SMP improvement in 1024 with an SDR card.
  2. JonRico

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    I need more numbers and info folks. Cant get my SMP Q3 stable. Anyone else got any info or reports? PLEASE!!
  3. JonRico

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    I have these benchmarks. They are from memory so may be 1 frame or so out. All tests done in high quality mode settings with resolution the only change for 640x480 tests. Tests done in Q3 1.09 on demo001.dem 640x480 - SMP 0 - 47fps 640x480 - SMP 1 - 61fps 800x600 - SMP 0 - 41fps 800x600 - SMP 1 - 45fps So I am starting to be card limited at 800x600. Need that GeForce DDR By the way I am running 2 Celerons 366@528 on the ABit BP6. Video Card is a TNT2@160/166.
  4. JonRico

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    Yes it does seem to work, although not 100% reliably. You can now at least play as many games as you want in one session - previously it would bluescreen trying to start the second game. I use build 2151, TNT2 with Nvidia 3.53 driver using the NT4 3.53 nvopengl file. Using the new (1.09) build of Q3. It works and plays fine, but after one SMP session of Quake3, quiting to the desktop and then restarting a second SMP session leads to the familiar "Process has locked pages" bluescreen. I also got that bluescreen once when I started the game from a clean boot. Seems to not like starting a single player game from the menus on my PC (q3dm17 in particular), but seems happy enough starting a map from the console. So it aint fixed - but it is now working if you are careful! Good luck guys!
  5. JonRico

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    I had a strange SMP experience last night. I was using the Nvidia 3.53 Win2000 Drivers on RC2. I have a TNT2. I played five consequitive demos in smp mode and it worked, but I got the process has locked pages blue screen when I changed screen mode after the demos. So I restarted after installing the NT4 3.53 Nvidia drivers, hoping for a more stable OpenGL. Then Q3 wouldn't boot with the r_smp 1! Had to go to bed after that, but it looks like it might be at least closer to working! More testing tonight I feel!
  6. JonRico

    Q3Test2 - SMP problems???

    Yeh thats right. Nt4 works fine on my system. I use OpenGL 2.08 (Nt4 driver from Nvidia) mixed with the TNT 2.0 D3D from win2k rc1. I have the following benchmarks also.... Q3TestDemo1 640SMP: 58.8 640: 53.3 800SMP: 52.6 800: 50.1 1024SMP: 36.4 1024: 36.7 Q3TestDemo2 640SMP: 65.9 640: 61.9 800SMP: 64.6 800: 60.5 1024SMP: 56.8 1024: 55.3 I use the standard graphic settings (only change res), execpt that texture detail is on max. I conclude that I am card limited at 1024, so the overhead for SMP makes it slower in demo1 (a bit), but that I get an SMP performance increase in 640 and 800. Also interesting to note that demo2 SMP shows more of an improvement than demo1 - shows that demo2 requires less graphics work than demo1 - not so card limited in demo2. Overall - pretty pleasing, but could be better...
  7. JonRico

    Q3Test2 - SMP problems???

    Yes my celerons are overclocked (366 to 450) but the same happens at 366. The situation is though, that it runs once in Win2k in SMP mode. If you start it up with r_smp 0 and set r_smp 1 at the console, you can play one demo or map in smp mode then it crashes. So the best I can do is start it up, switch on SMP, play a game, quit then run a batch file to restore the config to r_smp 0 and restart the game! Still, the performance logs show that from having one processor used to 95+% we now have two doing 60 odd. So it works - real performace boost in 640 before I become 3d card limited in 800. About to overclock the TNT2 now to see what happens.... Can anyone do better? It would be nice to fix it since it clearly aint badly broken.
  8. JonRico

    Q3Test2 - SMP problems???

    Whoops, made a new post by accident. Sorry! Here it is again in the right place! I have a Diamond TNT2 (not Ultra) and the ABIT Dual Celeron Socket 370 Board. Using the Build 2072 D3D and OpenGl 2.08 I have no joy. Yet to try other configurations. More info soon. I am using Win2K build 2072 by the way! Anyone got TNT2 SMP going in Win2K?