I did install the latests ASUS drivers for windows 2000 that supports both TNT1 & TNT2, same thing, no changes.
But i wonder if it's not w2k fault's, in my computers properties it says my processor to AGP controller is lcoated on PCI bus 0, device 1, function 0.
Then, my properties for 'NVIDIA RIVA TNT': PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0 ...
i deleted NT4, don't know if it says the same thing ...
Another thing, when you start Q3 in single cpu mode, open the console, and scroll back at the top of the startup logs, the first thing you will see if the cpu detection. when you launch Q3 in smp mode, it stops on the white screen just before the menu, which i think is the moment when it tries to detect the cpus ...