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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    McAfee webscanx error in 2000

    Same **** here except i run McAfee 4.5 and IE 6. The damn mcafee crashes had to remove it.. I love IE6
  2. Igor

    No administrator login...

    This is so funny I could not log-in as Administrator as well.. untill... DUH !!! Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and you get good old 2000 log-in box and just type the user name the old fasion way
  3. Igor

    Win2k + WinXP Dual Boot with a twist......

    When I had 2000 installed and wanted to duel boot with Xp I just run XP installetion right from 2000 and then picked a different partition (C drive fr XP and my 2000 was using E) and the way I went. Xp took care of the duel boot. Maybe 2000 will do the same? I'd backup if I were you And make recovery disk if for some reason boot sectors are not compatible.
  4. Igor

    Mcafee.com virus scanner is hopeless

    Some times Norton and McAfee release virus updates at different times, one before the other so one antivirus would know about the virus and the other would not. Also the Service (Hotmail in this instance) would have to have an updated scan engine. What good is an antivitus if you only update it every 3 month
  5. 1st you DO need at least one system with net access. then you download the little IE downloader from ie then you run it like this: ie5setup.exe /c:"ie5wzd.exe /d /s:""#E"""
  6. Igor

    Installed XP

    Install 2000 again see if its all good and then upgrade. It usualy goes fine on a fresh install
  7. Igor

    IE 6.0 Sucks???

    MY IE under Xp seems just fine. Runs fast and doesn't crush. i love it
  8. Igor

    Free AMD Stickers!!

    Bastards were out of Athlon stickers had to settle for Duron. They said Athlons should be back in stock in 1-2 weeks.
  9. Have it, like it. I guess you got a bad one. Didn't you try a sample mouse before you buy? Go exchange it. And try a new one right in the store.
  10. Igor

    Geekness thread: Do you name your PC(s)?

    Big daddy and little daddy. One is Celeron 433 another is Duron 600. You guess which one
  11. Igor

    Uninstall Office 2000 without CD?

    I'm sure that format / reinstall will get rid of office for good
  12. Igor

    Mixing CPU's

    In Abit BP6 you could run 2 CPUs of a different speed at the same time. At that time that was the only board that could do that. Maybe VP6 is the second Check Abit site.
  13. Get a ghost or something similar and make an image of just basic install, there are not that many options during installation that you choose anyway. Then just restore the image. It’ll take about 10 mins for every Win2k install You can also create an answer file and place it on the floppy disk for the install. Then erase partition (DON'T make a new one) and boot from the CD with the answer file on the floppy, windows will automatically pick it up and do the install. It looks for some specific file name and use those options to install itself. It doesn't seem to format in this case, at least I haven't noticed. I usually leave the disk in, come back and Win2k already installed. For information on how to do it refer to the win2k CD, it comes with a very nice answer file building kit and a good write up of all the option including as to which file name windows looks for on the floppy (I can't remember of had, I made it so long ago).
  14. Igor

    Slow Transfering files from Win2k <-> WinMe

    Quote: The slow network browsing is due to Win2K. Delete this registry key on your Win2K machine: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace\{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} This does wonders on ME as well. i went from 45 seconds down to 2.
  15. Igor

    Nt4 - Sp6

    Update to 2000 so you don't have to worry how to do it with NT4
  16. Igor

    Happy Birthday Philipp!

    Happy Birthday man !
  17. Igor

    Linux and win2k network peace?

    Don't blame me, blame whoever wrote it: (NOT me) I did this at residence to be able to share files. It was a pain in the *** but I never used the command line, cuz it sux. I used software like LinNetworkNeighborhood http://www.bnro.de/~schmidjo/ or gnomba, etc. Do a search for samba at freshmeat and you should find some links to good front ends to the command line. Works fine under ***-Window (I mean X-Window) Also make sure your version of samba is up to date. Samba's weird cause it searches by subnet for shares, which works in most situations, but not all. I don't know how windows does it.
  18. Win2k attaches itself to HD controller, so if it is different brand it can screw your system. You can run Sysprep right before you shut the system down for the upgrade. It'll remove hardware ties to your system but will keep all the settings other then hardware. (It is on you windows 2000 cd, look for it) You can also log-in as a different user and copy complete profile folder to somewhere. Then create account with the same name on the new system, log-in as that user then a different user and overwrite all the file in the profile folder.
  19. Igor

    My DVD not detected by bios, but... ?

    If your bios is set so it doesn't detect the drives (besides the primary HD) all the CD/DVD drives will work anyway because they will be detected during the PNP (plug-n-pray) device discovery time.
  20. You can make a batch file that will copy anything you want anywhere your system has access to every time you start your computer. you can use nt build in backup to backup files somewhere. you can buy a backup software if you have $$ to spend.
  21. Install a real operating system. aka Win2k Linux sux.
  22. Igor

    HOw to block other users from seeing your files

    Only with NTFS files system. Right click on any folder u wanna hide, go to security settings and remove access rights (like list) for users you don't wanna access the folder.
  23. If you read the documentation on how to use sysprep it'll tell you how to integraall the patches u want.
  24. Igor

    How to format second drive in Win2k?

    Right click on the drive in disk managment, alocate it and then format.