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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    "Direct Draw Expired" error - How to resolve

    Install newev version of DX8 and the problem will go away
  2. Igor

    Not enough memory? My 4$$!

    My guess is that your pc ain't [H]ard enough
  3. Igor

    Windows Registry Error

    When I try to install ANYTHING I get this error: "System\CurrentControllSet\Config\VirtualDeviceDrivers .vdd. Virtual driver format in the registry is invalid." The choices are: Close or Ignore. If I pick Close then the installation aborts but if I click ignore the installation goes fine and the application works. Any ideas on how to get rid of this error? Or what caused it in a first place?
  4. Igor

    Windows Registry Error

    Can u suggest one?
  5. Igor

    Running a program as a service?

    I can't remeber hos to do it, but if you do a search you can find the answe. Some1 a few month back gave the answer you are looking for.
  6. Igor

    Looking for opinionated answers

    The only problem with restore is it can eat the HD space as if it was free.... and in gigs. The second.. it slows ya system down way 2 much After I disabled mine, it was like upgrading form 366 to a 500 CPU.
  7. Igor

    Make Bootablr Copy?

    EM, what Kyosho46vr whats to do it to take the original Win2k CD, then upgrade the CD to SP1 and then burn it back onto the CD so now when he installs it, he doesn't have to re-apply SP1 to every Win2k installetion. Which is WAY different from regular cd copy 8)
  8. Igor

    Make Bootablr Copy?

    As said above Did that and it works... Actualy this question has been unswered a month ago [This message has been edited by Igor (edited 02 October 2000).]
  9. Igor

    Memory Enhancements??

    Get more ram. Thouse programs can eat up a Gig in no time. Also duel CPUs help a lot since thouse programs support it.
  10. Igor

    NT RAM Capacity

    Here is some technical crap if any1 wants to read it: Memory Managment: The Windows NT Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) is responsible for OS- and application-level memory management. Windows NT 4.0 processes on the x86 architecture have a 4 gigabyte (GB) virtual address space. The lower 2 GB is available to the application, and the upper 2 GB is used to memory-map OS components. The upper partition is shared among all applications. This increases efficiency by allowing all loaded applications, drivers, and other code to share a single OS partition. The VMM implements automatic working-set trimming. When idle cycles are available, the VMM swaps out the least-used pages in each process' address space. Over time, this pruning leads to the most efficient possible use of VM. Unused physical memory can then be returned to the file cache or application components that can use it. Working-set trimming is particularly effective when applied to shared code like that found in the 2 GB OS partition or in shared applications run under Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition. The VMM also implements per-application protected memory, and it automatically reclaims allocated memory when a process terminates. Very Large Memory Partitions: As mentioned, standard off-the-shelf Windows NT 4.0 allows a 2 GB address space to every running process. This is more than sufficient for most applications, but many enterprise data-processing applications, particularly online transaction processing (OLTP) or data mining, need even more space. Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition remaps half of the system address space into the application space, resulting in 3 GB of usable address space, but sometimes even 3 GB isn't enough. The solution depends on the availability of two technologies. First, multiple machines can be tied into a single cluster. Applications that can run across multiple SMP machines in a cluster effectively have access to an address space as large as the sum of the individual machines' space. This technique allows SMP clusters to use up to 64 GB of total memory, though each process is still limited to 3 GB. A more flexible solution depends on the availability of 64-bit CPUs like the Alpha or the Merced. These processors can access extremely large address spaces, and a forthcoming version of Windows NT Server will take full advantage of them by allowing applications to manipulate 64-bit addresses and data using the existing Win32 API set. In the meantime, there are individual applications which can leverage 64-bit CPUs--notably Oracle's Very Large Memory (VLM) for Alpha NT, which can access from 8 GB to 28 GB of virtual and physical memory (depending on the Alpha server used) from within a single process. [This message has been edited by Igor (edited 27 September 2000).]
  11. Igor

    NT RAM Capacity

    Isn't it 64 Gig? That is how segmentation works? Or am I totaly wrong here?
  12. Igor

    Testing emoticons

    How did u make that freak with the tough sticking out?
  13. Igor

    reminder to all newbies

    It not only saves the number of idential posts it also SAVES time for the ppl. If the question has olready been resolved, then the sollution/suggestion is already POSTED. This way you will NOT have to wait for the responce, but just search and get the answer.
  14. Igor

    Voodoo 2 in Me

    How dear you to give such a lame system to your kids. Don't you love them? Don't you know the games require the cutting edge hardware? Sure that system is good enough to browse Internet and type an odd word document, but for the game you need the latest, hottest stuff on the market! Hehe Don't take it personally I just had to say something
  15. Igor

    reminder to all newbies

    Oh, how true.
  16. Igor

    CPU question

    AMD finlay almoust learned how to make fast CPU's. Now they just have to make 256 cash and not 64 and AMD CPUs will rock... and use 8 way set assosiative cash.. not 4. But they are getting their.. VIA is what AMD was with K6.. it works but you know Intel celeron is just better.
  17. Igor


    Ronin, you are not wrong per say.. Abit BP6 is the ONLY motherboard that can work with 2 CPUs that run at different speeds. The rest of the motherboards requare the same CPU's. The steping of the CPU is for stability reasons.. WindowsNT likes to have 2 identical CPU's. P3 are and aren't SMP compliant. If you have P3 revision B0 or later then it is SMP, A0 can't do SMP (FC-PGA format)
  18. Igor

    How much of a frame hit would Windows 2000 give??

    It seems that every1 gets slightly different results. I get almoust no fps difference in 2000 compare to 98. Just ry it, I'm sure if you loose a fr\ew frames but gain stability, you will like 2000.
  19. Igor

    Win Me slows down

    It is very possible system restore is making sure it can restore ya WIndows if something goes wrong.b
  20. Igor

    WinME drivers

    Yes, most of them do. I can't remember which once, but I've seen a few that didn't.
  21. Disable System restore, get rid of backup copy on WInME. YES, the bloody thing copyes itself on the HD, how else do you think it never asks for the CD like Win98 used 2. Delete help, go with a minimal install during setup. I think my WinME was like around 250-300 when I 1st installed and clean up the shit.
  22. Igor

    Clean install from upgrade?

    I hope you learned your lesson. If you want a computer for more hten e-mail DON'T get Compaq or HP.. or most of the brand names....
  23. Igor

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Are we going for some kind of a record here on the number of posts for one topic? I think we alredy broke it for this message board. ;-)
  24. WinME is ok. It is a nice toy OS for lame users If you want stability go with WIn2000 and if u want very goos stability but lots of pain, then go with Linux.
  25. Igor

    Winblows Me released today

    They name Win ME so the next build they can name Win You