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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    Do they really worth?

    WinME RULEZ. It is the best of the Windowses based on the old code. Not as good as 2000 but all the drivers forn 98 work on ME. (Unless u can prove otherwise) Try it
  2. Igor

    Looking for mouse

    I have the Microsoft Intellieye mouse. One with Optical sensor, but it is of the same shape MS mices were for the last 10years. It is an awesome mouse and works as PC2 or USB (comes with an adapter). They are also bloody cheap. Brand new here cost $26 US
  3. Igor

    Windows ME CPU Detection

    You can overclock yor CPU just to get though the 1st setup stage. I don't think it checks it ever again. Plus 133 usualy works well as 150 or even 166 ;-)
  4. Igor

    Cheap dual-proc mobo's

    I'm sure yu can find ppl trying to upgrade their Bp6. Like me E-mail if interested.
  5. Igor

    Looking for AGP 3d card around $30

    You are looking all in the wrong places http://www.3dblaster.com/products/riva-tnt/
  6. Igor

    More probs building PC

    It seems like you guys having one hell of a time with this thing. I've never had so many problems building the system. One thing to keep in mind is STATIC electricity. If you have synthetic carpet or clothe that can cause significant charge and kill the equipment on contact. DON'T underestimate the power of the nature Get a static rist-wrap, they are awailable from computer stores for like $10 or so.
  7. Tryed the new 4-1 Drivers. Well... now I can install the 6.18 drivers and system works. And as a bonus in AGP2 mode the damn 3dMark finanly doesn't lock the computer. It can even run all the way to 64 Meg test and then exit with no error messages it but doesn't take out the whole system as it used to. The stange thing is that 3Dmark runs fine under WIn98. Go figure.
  8. Igor

    More probs building PC

    As said be4, processor do die. Specially AMD. They are fragile, and if you read on the web lots of ppl killed those CPUs simply by removing heat-sinks to many time ;( SO even if you got a good COP at the start thought your ordeal you could have damaged it.
  9. What is viainf.exe ?? Is it a part od 4.25a VIA 4-1 drivers?
  10. I've been running 98/2000 for like a year now. From my experience the best way to go is to install WIn98 on drive C and then install Win2k on second partition, say drive D, just make sure u give it like 2.5 gigs or so. Keep them both FAT32. Then you can install ALL the application for win98 and 2000 in to the same directory... say Drive C \Program Files. I haven't had a single fault yet. If you already have 2000 installed and then want to add 98/ME then just install it on the separate partition and look for a boot-restorer. It'll restore the WIn2k boot partition back so you can boot to win2k again, and then after u edit boot.ini you will have the choice of 2 OSes 2 use. I can't remember the exact name of that program... but I'm sure if you do a search on the BBS you'll find it.
  11. Igor

    Dual Processor Option

    I'm 100% sure that Pentium1 233 work in duel setup and I'm sure 200 can do it as well. Just look around for some dueal socet 7 boards. I know that Tian makes one, and I think Gigabyte did (maybe not). My friend has SMP 233 system Fast in linux.
  12. Igor

    Cannot get IIS to work

    Try un-installing IIS and installing it again. On the side note... IIS DOESN'T host FTP !! it is a web server for HTML pages. If you want FTP site then install FTP server. Windows FTP server is a bit cumbersome... if you want a good FTP server try Serv-U. About 10 references.. Strange... Unless you have 10 outgoing connections.... I you are sure something ain't right, try re-installing windows to be 100% sure
  13. Igor

    W2k NTFS back to FAT32

    I can't do it the same way u can going from FAT32 to NTFS Get partition magic 5.1 and it'll be able to do this in 5 mins. I had no problmes with it. You can also ghost ya HD to another HD then format the NTFS drive as FAT32 and ghost it back
  14. I have Gigabyte & Abit KT boards and they all work fine with Duron and Thunderbird CPU. I don't have any problems under WIn98 and 2000. Both systems run GTS cards..... I never run the system for more then 20 hours at a time though.... I wanna save some power so I turn computers off at night.
  15. Igor

    Guys need help - Damn Dell Heatsinks!!

    You can leave the heatsink on the CPU if u don't wanna wreck it. Just get a good fan, even the case fan will work, and strap it to the heatsink. You can use anythig to do that, strings, glue, zap-straps. Anything will do as long as the fan is close to the CPU. Remember that ya CPU was working in Dell system.. so the heatsink is good enough.. just strap a fan on it.
  16. Igor

    Full version ME

    Not much of a trick Just delete, or as Freak said, rename Win.com to anything. Just remeber.... Full, clean install is always better then an upgrade. Upgrades have been knows to create more problems in the already p****ed operating system ;-)
  17. Igor

    FAT 32 to FAT 16

    You are kinda ****ed I guess. If you wanna boot NT the YOU HAVE to have 1st (boot partition) as Fat12 or Fat16 or NTFS4. Otherwise you are ****ed. When you boot of CD you don't need to create any floppys... I did that many times... just install the NT adn then format the partion as NTFS or FAT16. BUT NT will quit on u if ya C drive ain't fat12/16/ntfs4 To convert ya 850 partition just format it under Win98 as Fat16 or Fdisk it (it is in windows\command folder.
  18. Igor

    CPU Decision(help me quick!)

    Quote: Selling! AMD Athlon 750(model 2) retail (Slot A) Asus K7V Mobo BIOS revision 1007 for $250. 3 weeks old Selling ALREADY ? whats wrong with it ? I can't be that bad..... or can it ?
  19. Igor

    60 FPS in HL , no more, no less?

    Here is a simple fix that did helped me to overcome the 60 FPS. Go to driver preferences and DISABLE v/sync. This will allows you to have more frames then the monitor can display. (Which is 60Htz) Most games set that refresh rate INDEPENDANTLY from what you set in in the desctop. That can be fixed but requares manual edidtin of Detonator INI file.
  20. You DON'T have to post your question in EVERY forum.
  21. I have 2 systems. One is Celron 333 @ 413, 256 Ram on Matsonic 7070S board and TNT2 M64 (32Megs) . On this system I can run that test with NO problem. The second system is Duron 600 & CL GTS (32 ram), 256 ram the stupid test doesn't even start I mean as soon as I start 3DMark the whole system just locks up under 98 AND 2000. Nothing else locks up, just this test. Both systems run under WIn2k + Sp1.
  22. Igor

    Celeron 300

    Celeron 300A, Slot1 with 2 Fans. Asking $35 + $5 For shipping. Make me an offer if interested.
  23. but it is a real waist of money buying that powestrip. Just install the latest drivers from www.creativelabs.com and blastercontrol 4.03 and u can tweak your cars all u want all day long. And it is free The drivers also based on the latest Nvidia build and are very good.
  24. Igor

    BP6 + 2 @ 366

    ABIT BP6 motheboard with 2 laped 366 Celerons. One Alpha and One Alpah-Killer heatsink and fan. $260 US shipped anywhere in Canada or USA. The system works stable at 500 Mhz. Open to offers. (I'm in Canada)
  25. Igor

    Professional vs server

    Well INFERNO what it probably means is that u ALREADY have a FTP running. When u install Server with Internet components it by default installs MS FTP server. U can manage it (turn it on/off, add users) in "manage" menu under the MyComputer. If u wanna run both FTP program simply pick a different port for the serv-u say 5000 or any number higher and you will be ok.