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Everything posted by EM

  1. EM

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    I had this problem with RC2 but have not had it with the final release (2600). I use the drivers included in WinXP since none of the other ones will install without an error.... Ed
  2. EM

    Xp Out

    Quote: The corporate version is just the pro version without WPA (Windows Product Activation). I don't think it's just the key that disables WPA - I think the cd's are a little different too.... Can anyone confirm this?...that the cd's are different or is it just the product key? Ed
  3. EM

    Xp Out

    What is the difference between Corporate vesrion and Pro version? Is it just a different number to enter when you install? Ed
  4. I have purchased WindowsXP Professional OEM from www.azzo.com I am wondering if there is a program like the reset crack that stops XP from wanting to connect to Microsoft. My version is NOT pirated, it is completely legitimate...cost me 166 bucks from a legitimate vendor on the net. I have registered it with Microsoft but I really don't want to have to connect every time I redo my OS. Not asking for help in pirating because that is crap. Ed
  5. EM

    NBA 2001 and Tony Hawks 2

    Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 works perfectly fine on my systems. One with Voodoo3, wone with Hercules Kyro II, and one with ATI Radeon 64. Ed
  6. EM

    SCSI Hard Drive Write Cache

    I can't answer your question but I recently had a UW2 drive fail completely when I ran Norton Disk Doctor. Two drives in RAID and one failed. Sucks big time. Write cache is enabled on mine and I cannot find where to disable it. Adaptec 131U Raid controller. Ed
  7. EM

    Still possible to buy a Voodoo3 3000?

    Have a pair of Voodoo2 12meg that run perfect in SLI for $30 shipped in US or a Voodoo3 2000 AGP that I will part with for $30 Shipped in US. Ed edmarvin@hotmail.com
  8. From all that I have read, the Voodoo chipset is NOT going to be supported in XP. With that in mind, I would definitely replace that. All depends on what you want to do with your machine. How much you wanna spend....? Tiger MP about 200 2x1.4 Tbirds about 240 Couple of HSF's about 30 512meg Registered DDR ECC about 120 Total about 590 and very fast....this is what I have in my main machine. Ed
  9. EM

    fan acts funny

    Hooked up to motherboard header? If so, temperature controlled? Ed
  10. EM


    Sorry, dude.....better move out and pay your own way.
  11. EM

    IDE drive listed as SCSI drive, can't access

    I can't answer your question but I was wondering where in Beaverton you are, since I am in Aloha. Ed
  12. EM

    Witch version of Zone Alarm Pro works with XP?

    I don't know if this helps anyone. I had the problem with ZoneAlarm not working correctly on bootup, where it just showed an X that it was not working. I converted my drive from Fat32 to NTFS and it now works correctly. Not sure exactly why. Maybe because it is a little slower booting, I don't know. Any thoughts? Ed
  13. Set the clock forward. Might want to Ghost it off first though
  14. EM

    3 fish

    One father and his son = 1 father and 1 son Son of first father has a son = 2nd father and second son.
  15. For those interested, www.2cpu.com has a very nice review of the Tiger MP dual Athlon motherboard including results with 1.0Ghz Durons! Ed
  16. Right click on My Computer, go to properties, advanced, performance options. There is where you change your page file size. Ed
  17. EM

    Get your case & parts painted

    Quote: Not by any means questioning your legitamcy, but you say you own a Body Shop in Corona, CA. Ummm, why would anyone send payment to you personally, rather than your business? I would guess that it is a seperate business, maybe? Similar to if I have a car dealership and sell hamburgers and hotdogs to the customers. Two business, seperate incomes and expenses. Ed
  18. I have no troubles with mine. Works just fine. Sorry I can't help with your problem. Maybe you have a bad mouse. Ed
  19. My drive image disks are a dos bootup disk and then it loads the program from dos. I guess I don't see how SERVER is any different than anything else at that point. Is the NTFS of Server different than NT4 or Win2k Pro? Ed
  20. I have used Powerquest's Drive Image to do Linux partitions so I can't imagine that it wouldn't do what you need to do. I am assuming that you are using NTFS partitions? Ed
  21. EM

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    Even for people doing reviews there should be no problem with WPA. You have at least 14 days after you install XP to actovate it and that should be plenty of time to get any testing done for a review. A clean install is recommended for any machine under review anyway. Don't take this as an endorsement on my part of WPA because I agree that it is a major pita for those of us who change things constantly in our PC's.
  22. Anybody seen any links besides Anandtech regarding AMD cpus in dual? Just wondering how the regular 1.4Ghz do in SMP compared to the MP versions or the P4 1.7Ghz.
  23. EM

    Dual AMD with other than MP cpus?

    Well, should know the answer to my question of whether this works by Sunday (assuming that the Tiger S2460 arrives on Friday as promised) since I have 2 1.4Ghz Non-MP Athlons to try in it. Ed
  24. EM

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 3

    I suppose if it makes you feel better to get the credit for something then you have a right to complain...or you could just get over it like the rest of us. So often in life there is the complaint that "That's not fair" yet no one ever told me that life was fair. If I don't get credit for something and I think I should, I have a choice to make. Is this a battle worth fighting? Will there be a difference in my life if I fight for this? Does it really matter in the long run? Just my thoughts as I read this thread. No offense meant...just meaningless ramblings to take up space and start a flame war. Besides, I went to the link posted above at 9:44 PM PST and there is nothing there but some advertisements. No news or anything else.
  25. EM

    Should i?

    Towards the upper right of the forums is a button labeled "search"....use it, it will show you miraculous things. Also on the front page on the right hand side is a section labeled Compatibility...Notice the section called Games? Look in there, you will be suprised at how enlightened you will feel. Ed