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Everything posted by hteles

  1. hteles

    GE Force and 2031

    Can anyone tell me if there were any drivers for Geforce and win2k Beta3 (2031), and if so where can i get them Thanks
  2. hteles

    Game Port

    Hi! In W2k Beta3 W/ SB Live my game port is Enabled and it says it works ok, but it Can't detect my Joystick (Wingman) & Neither Standard Joystick Any Clue? Thanks!
  3. hteles

    I need help with NERO or CDRwin

    Try these. http://www.mswin2k.net/misc/jpaspi.zip
  4. hteles

    Win 2000 Shutdown

    You Have to Enable ACPI in Your Bios. My System Turns off, Hibernate, etc.
  5. hteles


    Where can i get directx(7) except from the microsoft beta testers site?
  6. hteles

    Bad new's every one with Windows2000 RC2

    Yeah. F*** D3D. I Hate D3D. The real reason why It was developed was to ruin Other better O.S. like OS/2 And Linux. It Would be a better world only with OGL.
  7. hteles


    Quake II Reports: - GL_SGIS_MULTITEXTURE Not Found Using GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE What's the diference? CL TnT2U W2K #2031
  8. hteles


    What i mean with beta#3 is that i have W2K Beta 3, and i think that w2K beta 3 contains directx(6). Am i Wrong? I read over this Board that with DX(7), Many Games Now Work. Thanks.
  9. No. Only W2K Compatibility problem with the scsi adapter, bad drivers.
  10. hteles

    Viper 550 and D3D

    I dont't nkow about the others, but for release 2031 ftp://ftp.leadtek.com.tw/graphics/s325/win2k.zip
  11. you Could Try reduce the Transfer to 5mb/s Have your Parity/termination correct assigned in concern with the writer. does the cable edge conectors are on the writer and the controler? I don't know if the problem it's soft or Hardware cause NT It's a more "problematic" than 98, and if your card/cd is not correctly configured it even could work on windoze 98
  12. I Don't Know Your Card. Does it Have Bios? Configuration Like adaptec < Ctrl-A>? is it Busmaster?
  13. hteles


    Even Beta#3?
  14. hteles


    Can Anyone submit this to the compatibilty if expriencing the same prob. Win2k B3 - Winzip 7 doesn't recurse the subdir(s) When creating a Zip file Thanks [This message has been edited by hteles (edited September 05, 1999).]
  15. hteles


    Yes. But Now It Works????????
  16. hteles

    Message To EA SPORTS

    HI! Is More Than Known That SBK World Championship, runs on W2K. To play it all We have to do is install on win98, and with a dual boot system we must migrate the reg stuff to W2K. What i am Asking is Why You People keep doing the same mistakes, and don't be openminded? Why The Install.ins script check to see if it's win98/95 and if not gives a unsupported nt stuff. didn't you know that W2K would support D3D? it's sad to see that others Like You Will make the diference on the easy migration to W2K, Cause w9x Sucks. Thanks Reply if you Want
  17. hteles

    Savage 4 & OGL

    Hi. Where can i get a OpenGL ICD for W2k. I´ve already tried the NT4 ICD or MCD??? Thanks from Portugal
  18. hteles

    Savage 4 & OGL

    I've found the solution «ALTOGL» Mesa 3d-DX(6) www.altsoftware.com